Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SD52-08

Pine Creek
GA SD52-08 - Pine Creek

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Name:Pine Creek
Publisher:Geoscience Australia (Australian Government)
Latitude Range:13° 0.0' S - 14° 00.0' S
Longitude Range:130° 30.0' E - 132° 0.0' E
Projection / Datum:Universal Transverse Mercator, GDA94
Approx Print Size:0.44m X 0.67m
Publication Date:1-Jun-04

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Batchelor Adelaide River Daly River Pine Creek Batchelor Airfield Daly River Aerodrome Quartz Knob Mount Wells Aida Creek Jumpup A Yards Ada Creek Adealide River Railway Precinct Adelaide River West Branch Adelaide River Fire Station Adelaide River Health Centre Adelaide River Mine Adelaide River Pioneer Cemetery Adelaide River Police Station Adelaide River Post Office Adelaide River School Adelaide River School and Community Library Adelaide River War Cemetery Adelaide River Wartime Civilian Cemetery Aeneas Creek Afghan Gully Mine Albany Park Albany Park Airfield Alex Gory Park Allamber Springs Alligator Creek Alligator Lagoon Amangal Indigenous Village Angleara Waterhole Anwoollolla Lagoon Ardnarea Bluff Austral Creek Back Creek Bamboo Moon Boon Creek Bamboo Creek Bamboo Creek Tin Mine Ban Ban Airfield Ban Ban Lagoon Ban Ban Springs Banyan Banyan Farm Tourist Park Barrets Mine Batchelor Area School Batchelor College Batchelor Community Library Batchelor Health Centre Batchelor Police Station Batchelor Post Office Batchelor Pre School Beeboom Crossing Belbowi Billabong Billabong Creek Billabong Ridge Bine-Jeruk Falls Black Water Creek Blackcat Blackfellow Creek Bludells Creek Blyth Homestead Bobs Hill Bogga Young Park Bonnie Ranges Bonrook Bonrook Creek Boomleera Siding Bridge Creek Bridge Creek Mine Brocks Creek Brocks Creek Cemetery Brocks Creek Mine Browns Creek Brumbyhole Bucklands Creek Buley Rockhole Bulls Run Creek Bunyip Farm Burnside Burnside Mine Burrell Billabong Burrells Creek Burrundie Burrundie Siding Butterfly Gorge Butterfly Gorge Nature Park Calder Creek Caledonian Creek Caledonian Mine Cameron Downs Camp Creek Cascades Castlemaine Hill Cattle Creek Chandlers Creek Charlies Creek Chillara Billabong Chilling Creek Christmas Creek Clonmara Creek Compass Creek Coolibah Swamp Coomalie Creek Coomalie Creek Left Branch Coomalie Creek Right Branch Coomalie Landing Ground Coomalie Waterhole Corbets Mine Corkscrew Pass Cosmohowley Mine Coulter Creek County of Rosebery Cow Springs Crab Hole Plains Crabbe Creek Craig Creek Crater Lake Crowbar Yards Cullen Hill Daly River Health Centre Daly River Mine Daly River Nature Park Daly River Police Station Damper Valley Dash Lagoon Deep Creek Deepwater Defect Creek Depot Creek Dot Lagoon Douglas Douglas Creek Douglas Crossing Douglas Daly Experimental Station Douglas Daly School Douglas Hot Springs Douglas River Douglas River Mine Douglas-Daly Eckerbone Waterhole Edna Creek Elliot Creek Emerald Springs Empire Springs Emu Spring Esmeralda Farm Eva Valley Fapiwatti Fenton Airfield Finniss River South Branch Finniss Valley Fish Billabong Fish River Fishers Lode Mine Fleming Florence Falls Ford Hill Fountain Head Mine Fountain Head Siding Four Mile Creek Frances Creek Furness Creek Gandys Hill George Creek Glass Water Swamp Glen Huitson Park Glen Luckie Creek Glenys Mine Golden Dyke Mine Goodall Mine Goodilla Siding Gould Landing Ground Great Northern Mine Green Ant Creek Green Valley Greenant Creek Grove Hill Grove Hill Siding Gulngarring Gum Creek Gunn Creek Gypsy Creek Halfway Peak Havlik Park Hayes Creek Hayes Creek Inn Hayward Creek Heaton Hill Heritage Park Hillcrest Holly Spring Honeymoon House Hores Waterholes Horners Creek Horners Creek Mine Horseshoe Billabong Hot Water Billabong Howley Howley Creek Hundred of Blyth Hundred of Finniss Hundred of Goyder Hundred of Gregory Hundred of Hart Hundred of Hawkshaw Hundred of Howard Hundred of Playford Hundred of Selwyn Hundred of Waterhouse Iron Blow Mine Ivanoff Jack White Park Jessops Mine Jimmy Ah Toy Oval Jimmys Knob Mine Joes Creek Johns Hill Jones Creek Keri Kilfoyle Creek Kilfoyle Plains Kilfoyle Waterhole Kybrook Kybrook Farm Lady Alice Camp Limestone Hill Litchfield Litchfield Outstation Litchfield Park Little Finniss River Long Airfield Lookout Creek Lost City Lost Hill Luckie Hill Lucknow Mine Mango Farm Maranunga Margaret River Marion Hill Masons Plains Maude Creek McCallum Creek McCallum Creek Sawmill Mcdonald Airfield Mckay Creek Mckeddies Mine Mckinlay Mine McMinns Bluff McMinns Creek Meneling Middle Creek Milton Spring Minglo Creek Mistake Creek Montacutes Peak Moon Boon Creek Morgan Hole Creek Morgan Hole Lagoon Mount Bayfield Mount Bonnie Mount Bonnie Mine Mount Boulder Mount Briggs Mount Brock Mount Bundey Mount Burrell Mount Carr Mount Catchlove Mount Charles Mount Currawillandpil Mount Darwent Mount Deane Mount Dermody Mount Douglas Mount Durand Mount Ellison Mount Flemming Mount Foelsche Mount George Mount George Mine Mount Grace Mount Gun Mount Gunn Mount Harris Mine Mount Hayward Mount Keppler Mount Knuckey Mount Litchfield Mount Mabel Mount Maccallum Mount Masson Mount Masson Mine Mount McLachlan Mount Millner Mount Minza Mount Muriel Mount Nancar Mount Osborne Mount Packard Mount Paqualin Mount Pleasant Mount Porter Mount Ringwood Mount Rix Mount Ross Mount Saunders Mount Schultze Mount Sheppard Mount Shoobridge Mount Smith Mount Stephen Mount Sweet Mount Thomas Mount Tolmer Mount Tuckwell Mount Tymn Mount Tymn Mine Mount Wells Battery Mount Whaleback Mount Wigley Mount Wigley Mine Mount William Mount Woods Mount Woods Mine Mt Bonnie Creek Muldiva Creek Myarang Creek Myrtle Fawcett Park Naenayee Lagoon Nanaar Billabong National Trust Museum Pine Creek Native Marsh Nauiyu Neds Knob Nicholas Creek Nienaber Creek Nmg 176 Noltenius Billabong North Australian Railway Northern Creek Nts 282 Nts 309a Nts 386 Nts 397 Nts 398 Nts 399 Nts 400 Nts 401 Nts 414 Nts 423 Nulli Billabong Old Company Mine Old Litchfield Old Pine Creek Cemetery Olive Prospect Mine Oolloo Pandayal Paperbark Spring Paqualin Hump Paris Creek Paw Paw Spring Peggy Spring Pell Landing Ground Peters Creek Pethericks Rainforest Pickfords Mine Pigeon Camp Pine Creek Cemetery Pine Creek Compound Pine Creek Fire Station Pine Creek Health Centre Pine Creek Mine Pine Creek Police Station Pine Creek Post Office Pine Creek Railway Precinct Pine Creek School Pioneer Creek Plateau Point Playford Playford Creek Port Darwin Camp Port Darwin Camp Diggings Port Darwn Camp Mine Pouch Corner Prague Predictor Hill Prices Springs Prospect Hill Prousts Crossing Pussycat Flats Golf Course Rabbit Creek Rabbit Springs Rabbit Springs Creek Radfords Blow Mine Recovery Creek Red Bank Creek Red Lily Lagoon Red Rock Creek Reynolds River East Branch Ricebowl Waterhole Ricegardens Creek Ringwood Range Robin Falls Rock Candy Range Rocket Creek Roney Ruby Billabong Rum Jungle Rum Jungle Creek Rum Jungle Siding Ryan Creek Saint Francis Xaviers School Salt Trough Creek Sanders Creek Sandy Creek Sargents Saunders Creek Setay Valley Shannon Silvermine Creek Simms Siding Smoky Creek Snake Creek Snake Creek Armanent Depot Snape Creek Spring Hill Mine Spring Hill Siding Stapleton Stapleton Cemetery Stapleton Creek Stapleton Falls Stapleton Siding Star Of The North Mine Starkes Creek Station Creek Sundance Mine Surprise Creek Surprise Creek Falls Survey Creek Sweetwater Creek Table Land Creek Tabletop Tabletop Range Tabletop Swamp The Banyans The Pines The Shackle Tin Pot Mine Tipperary Tipperary Station School Tjaetaba Falls Tjaynera Falls Tjenya Falls Tjuwaliyn Douglas Hot Springs Nature Park Tolmer Falls Tomahawk Creek Tommys Creek Top Springs Creek Tortilla Flats Town of Adelaide River Town of Batchelor Town of Brocks Creek Town of Fleming Town of Knutsford Town of Maranunga Town of Pine Creek Town of Union Town Twin Peaks Two Sisters Hills U 153 U 154 U 161 U 587 U 636 Umbrawarra Gorge Umbrawarra Gorge Nature Park Union Extended Mine Union Hill Union Reef Siding Union Reefs Mine Union Town Union Town Cemetery Upper Adelaide River Experimental Station Walker Creek Ranger Station Walwalgiyn Falls Wandinya Wangi Wangi Falls Water Gardens Waterbag Creek Watts Creek Waymar Welltree Whaeldanks Creek White Rock Whitelaws Creek Whitestone Billabongs Whitestone Creek Whyte Hill Wild Horse Hill Wilsons Creek Wire Creek Witch Wai Creek Woolaning Woolaning School Wooliana Wooliana Airfield Woolianna School Woolwionga Mine Woomeroo Creek Wrigley Creek Yam Creek Yam Creek Mine Yarra Billabong Rum Jungle Station Coomalle Creek Angelara Waterhole Batchelor Siding Stapleton Station Jomes Creek Mount Rex Seargents Burrell Creek Blyth Gunns Creek Goodilla Mauds Creek Ban Ban Spring Fountain Head Station Half Peak Elliott Creek Nottenius Billabong Annaburoo Gadens Price Spring Snake Billabong Allamber Spring Charlie Creek Turtle Lagoon Goose Billabong Snake Brook Cobbs Lagoon Union Reef Station Esmeralda Lloyds Creek Nancar Billabong Paw Paw Springs Gallipoli Spring Sonrook Cloonmera Creek Copperfield Creek Spring Creek Jerry Jerry Waterhole Mount Fleming