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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Abalawidji Inlet Abel Tasman River Addison Channel Alola Islet Amos Point Anderson Point Ataluma Point Babungi Baker Yard Bald Hill Barbara Cove Barclay Point Barramundi Yard Barranyi National Park Base Bay Batten Creek Batten Point Beattie Shoal Beavan Point Big Stinking Lagoon Black Islet Black Rock Landing Bluey Creek Bluey Waterhole Brown Islet Bruce Channel Buchanan Bay Budjanga Buffalo Yard Bujan Bull Creek Bull Paddock Yard Cabbage Tree Cove Calvert Calvert River Camel Creek Camel Creek Yard Camp Beach Camp Beach Fishing Camp Cape Pellew Cape Vanderlin Caroline Yard And Dip Carrington Channel Casuarina Bay Catfish Yard Centre Channel Centre Island Charles Point Clarke Bay Clarke Bay Weather Station Clarkson Point Clarkson Point Fishing Camp Clover Shoal Collar Creek Combes Point Conder Point Cora Point Cow Creek Crab Rocks Craggy Islands Craufurd Islet Crook River Crown Rock Daisy Islet Danby Shoal Daves Yard David Islet Davies Channel Dead Mans Yard Deadmans Creek Denten Point Dingo Creek Disaster Reef Donald Yard Doolgarina Eagle Rocks East Neck Fantome Point Fat Fellows Creek Five Mile Yard Fletcher Creek Dip Yard Fletcher Island Foelsche River Four Mile Creek Georges Channel Geranium Bay Gilbert Island Goat Point Golden Yard Goondi Landing Gould Point Greenbank Gulch Reef Gunyana Bay Haig And Haig Harney Island Heriot Reef Hervey Rocks Hobblechain Creek Hobblestrap Hobblestrap Creek Hobler Island Horn Islet Horse Creek Hyde Channel Inner Bank Investigator Bay Investigator Point Jean Point Jensen Point Jimilaya Jimmy Islet Johnston Islet Jolly Islet Junction Yard Kangaroo Creek Kangaroo Island Karns Creek Kedge Point Kelly Channel Kelly Gap Kiernan Springs Yard Kildara Paddock Kildara Parrock Kirkby Shoal Koolfella Creek Korara Point Labu Islet Lake Eames Lamalooma Yard Law Island Libarandala Likuwa Inlet Lily Lagoon Limiyimiyila Beach Linangkarr Rocks Lindsay Bay Little Fletcher Creek Little Island Little Stinking Lagoon Little Vanderlin Island Liwayidbulungu Point Long Point Long Reef Lungumira Macassar Bay Manangoora Manangoora Fishing Camp Mariniri Marmarina Lagoons Marsden Shoal Maxwell Point Mc Craggan Creek Mc Craggans Yard Mc Queens Yard Mcarthur River Mcpherson Creek Mesley Point Middle Shoal Mimina Mooloowa Moonlight Yard Mountain Creek Mud Bay Muddy Gully Muggs Mistake Murrenginya Island Murunda Islet Myoorlka Island Nine Mile Yard Ninguwa Nippers Creek Niwawunala Reef North Hill North Island North Rock Observation Island One Tree Islet Outer Bank Oyster Rocks Paradice Bay Payne Island Pearce Islet Pelican Spit Pellew Islands Phil Point Poison Creek Port Mcarthur Potter Deep Pungalina Creek Quince Islet Red Bluff Red Islet Red Point Redbank Creek Rifle Creek Rifle Creek Yard Riyinbirr Island Robinson River Robinson River Aerodrome Robinson River Health Centre Robinson River School Rock Island Rocky Island Rocky Point Rocky Yard Ross Point Rramiyimiyi Rock Running Creek Running Creek Yard Sand Islet Sandfly Island Sandy Creek Sandy Head Schofield Channel Scrutton Lagoon Seven Emu Seven Emu Creek Shark Creek Sharker Point Sharp Stones Point Sir Edward Pellew Group Skeleton Creek Skull Creek Skull Island Skull Point Small Islet Snake Creek Snake Lagoon South West Island Spring Creek Steepcut Rock Stevens Rocks Stockyard Creek Stokes Bay Stony Point Stuart Point Surprise Creek Survey Bay Symonds Bluff The Fletcher The Gutter Three Hummock Point Toby Point Top Hobblestrap Yard Town of Pellew Train Point Triangular Yard Tucker Bay Turtle Islet Turtle Reef Turton Rock Uguie Ulbara Point Urquhart Islet Van Alphen River Vanderlin Island Vanderlin Rocks Victoria Bay Walker Point Wambarra Islet Wanadjurara Rocks Wandikalarubun Islet Warby Warby Lagoon Warlubarlula Beach Water Beach Watson Inlet Watson Island Wawinda Islet Waywantha Island Wearyan River Wearyan River Boat Ramp Wearyan River Landing Ground Webe Point Webinger Point West Island West Neck Wheatley Islet White Islet Whittet Point Willy Islet Winanda Channel Wirrinymanthanguwa Lagoon Wonmurri Lagoon Woolegorila Yard Wubukabukala Islet Wujulakinda Islet Wulaburri Wulkawakawa Point Wunakakalijulakinda Point Wundigalla Wuranthantha Point Wurdurla Islet Wuthangka Islet Wuwayinda Islet Yangulinyina Yathangka Beach Yathulwa Islets Yellow Waterhole Yard Yulbara Pearce Island Urquhart Island Pardice Bay Turtle Island Black Island Craggy Islets White Island Observation Islet David Island Alola Islet Red Island Sir Edward Pellew Islands Brown Island Tawarrila Creek Labu Island Jolly Island Port McArthur Small Island Little Vanderin Island Battens Creek McArthur River Black Rocks Landing Fletcher Creek Wonmaree Lagoon Seven Emus Creek Abel Tasman Creek Seven Emus Simpsons Lagoon Turtle Lagoon Brumby Lagoon Rocky Creek Hopple Strap Creek Quaker Creek