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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Angus Downs Broadlands Hilton Downs Wolseley Downs Nulgara Hampden Downs Mimong Judith Royal Penola Downs Cecil Plains Glenagra Wyreema Kynuna Dingading Mount Edna Braeside Belfast Answer Downs Arizona Fairview Wanora Downs Elrose Cairo Coolreagh Ardbrin Glenbede Helen Downs Lagaven Tarbrax Carnwath Delacourt Kulwin Rosevale Breena Plains Bull Creek Quambetook Moonamarra Strathfield Eulolo Glenbervie Belford Ivy Downs Clarafield Dimora Kooroora Redland Park Spreyton Caradon Colwell The Cottage Percol Plains Moorooka Milgery Hamilton Downs Crendon Etna Frensham Congewoi Nuken Dagworth Strathbowen Bendemeer Farewell Mount Campbell Cathedral Hill Cathedral Albrighton Allison Apollo Ariel Aurora Back Creek Beaudesert Bellkate Bellkate Hill Benduck Creek Blackeye Creek Blackeye Waterhole Bloodwood Creek Bluey Creek Boanda Boorama Boorama Creek Bullock Creek Camerons Waterhole Campsie Creek Campsie Water Facility Mount Cathedral Cattle Creek Chance Creek Chicalow Waterhole Collins Combo Water Facility Combo Waterhole Conrane Creek Constance Cooglum Cooglum Water Facility Coomarra Water Facility Corella Creek Crescent Creek Dancers Valley Davis Dawn Derry Derry Derry Creek Dick Creek Dick Creek Water Facility Dillivard Dingading Water Facility Dingding Creek Dingo Creek Dinner Creek Elbow Creek Etna Water Facility Forty Nine Water Facility Forty Nine Waterhole Four Mile Creek Garnet Creek Glen George Creek Glen Urquhart Creek Gordonia Hamilton Creek Hampden Water Facility Happy Creek Mount Helen Hickson Creek Horse Creek Imbi Imbi Ivy Creek Jackton Jowett Kerrs Table Mountain Kirby Kirby Range Kooroora Water Facility Kulwin Water Facility Lubra Creek Malro Maramungee Creek Martin Creek McKinlay Mimong Water Facility Mistake Creek Mullagherry Mungoa Creek Murkaburra Nettle Creek Nora Creek Nulgara Creek Oontoo Creek Penola Piccaninny Creek Plainby Plum Tree Creek Prahran Prospero Ranges Valley Rangeview Rangeview Creek Rhyl Rhyl Creek Rutchillo Salmond Mount Salmond Sheep Station Creek Sitapur Six Mile Creek Mount Skipton Snake Creek Soldier Creek Spreyton Water Facility St Andrew Station Creek Sugarbag Creek Swords Range Tabletop Creek Taltal Creek Thandwalla Water Facility Thompson Creek Toorak Traverse Creek Tributary Creek Tumulka Creek Two Mile Waterhole Upland Creek Urania Watt Creek White Mount William Mount Wills Wilmitha Creek Wokingham Wombat Woorengen Yaningerry Creek Yaningerry Waterhole Combo Conservation Park Combo Conservation Park 1 Combo Conservation Park 2 Kynuna Winton Shire Kynuna McKinlay Shire Mckinlay Rutchillo Creek Beenfield Bore Cairo Bore Wild Duck Bore Mayfields Toorak Dam Big Paddock Dam Ardbrin Bore Boanda Park Twelve Mile Waterhole Woorengen South Bore Mi Mi Dam Tarbrax Bore Lagavan Dickey Creek Bore Dickeys Creek Bore Kates Bore Moonamarra West Bore Long Time Tank Moonamarra Bore Eastern Creek Richelieu Bore Stud Camp Bore Glenbervie Creek Corella Bore Mistake Creek Bore Generals Waterhole Bluey Creek Bore Near Station Bore Glen Robin Bore Nora Creek Bore Ivory Downs Clarafield Bore Dimora Bore Bindoora Bore Hickson Creek Bore Hicksons Creek Bore Bedford Bore Waniola Bore Caradon Bore The Ranch Bore Coomarra West Bore Roorkee Bore Thandwalla Moorooka Bore Milgery Bore Coomarra Bore Gilliat Creek Colwell Bore Jackton Bore Poimena Bore Russell Bore Cooglum Bore Crendon Joint Bore Stock Route Bore Rangeview Creek Bore Rosemead Bore Meteor Dam Beaudesert Bore Glenagra Bore Imbi-Imbi Oontoo Tank Wyreema Downs Mungoa Dam Mount Edkins Kynuna Town Bore Wyreema Downs Bore Salt Bore Nettle Creek Bore Oontoo Molan Creek Combo Conservation Park Two Combo Conservation Park One Bellkate Bore Ross Tank Winters Tank Belfast Bore Etna Bore Mount Etna Red Hill Glen George Bore Shipley Bore Malto Tank Home Rule Kirby Dam Donald Downs Manningham Tank El Rita Number Four Bore Manningham Dam Deans Dam Scrubby Tank Star Creek Clayton Creek Deihms Tank Phillips Tank El Rita Conrans Tank Picaninny Creek Ascot Bore Conrans Bore Pidgeons Tank Pinnacle Bore Crescent Creek Bore Dicks Creek Dam Strathearn Bore Dicks Creek Strip Tank Benduck Bore Soldiers Creek Tank Boughgundyah Bore OBrien Creek Bore