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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Woodstock Llanrheidol Elderslie Archervale Menin Downs Alni Robins Brackenburgh Mackunda Downs Owens Creek Cathedral Hill Cathedral Albrighton Denbigh Downs Karoola Gnalta Mayfair Middleton Park abandoned Kalkadoon Lilleyvale Tulmur Chiltern Hills Tranby Whyrallah Nareen House Cambeela Munduran Franklin Narcissus Cork Middleton Acacia Creek Ada Creek Ada Water Facility Balthar Barracks Waterhole Basti Bogan Jack Creek Mount Booka Booka Boolbie Boolbie Creek Boomerang Creek Boorooma Water Facility Borwick Boyle Branch Creek Brighton Britcher Britcher Creek Britcher Water Facility Cadell Creek Caldwell Calista Cambeela Waterhole Cameron Creek Camp Creek Carters Range Castle Creek Castle Hill Cathedral Creek Cattle Creek Chanar Chicalow Waterhole Conn Waterhole Dermod Dingleberry Creek Dingo Creek Don Creek Drovers Gap Dunbar Creek Dunbar Water Facility Emu Creek Eyerah Farewell Creek Fiery Creek Finbar Fingerboard Waterhole Finucane Range Five Mile Creek Fletcher Creek Four Mile Creek Four Mile Waterhole Francis Mount Gideon Glentworth Gum Creek Gumti Halford Halium Mount Hardwick Hastings Hastings Water Facility Hills Range Mount Irons John Hills Juliet Creek Kahala Kalkadoon Water Facility Karoola Water Facility Kells Creek Kemp Kingsley Kitchewa Krughe Creek Kunjara Lake Robert Dam Lawson Hills Lee Lilleyvale Water Facility Limerick Llanrheidol Creek Long Gully Lucknow Mackunda Mackunda Water Facility Mackunda West Creek Maddix Creek Magoffin Creek Magpie Creek Mardyke Menin Water Facility Mermerrah Meteor Creek Middleton Creek Mirramunda Creek Mount Misery Mitta Mitta Waterhole Muellers Range Mulray Creek Munduran Waterhole Munro Mount Munro Murdering Creek Newitt Creek Nine Mile Waterhole Nulloocha O'Brien Creek O'Connor Creek Old Cork Old Cork Waterhole One Tree Hill Oorabunya Waterhole Opal Creek Pelican Waterhole Pery Punch Creek Punch Knob Rocky Jungara Creek Rosamond Mount Rourke Rum Creek Rum Creek Water Facility Sandila Sandy Creek Saville Saville Creek Scarr Creek Six Mile Creek Skipper Mount Skipper Smyth Creek Snake Creek Tabletop Hill Tarteraberri Waterhole The Brothers The Sisters The Telescope The Western Billabong Tooleybuck Gap Torry Mount Torry Towers Creek Tully Range Tulmer Water Facility Twelve Mile Creek Unsworth Bluff Walker Lagoon Warburton Warrenne Western Waterhole Williams Creek Mount Williams Wokingham Creek Woollingley Waterhole Yackadoo Creek Farewell Bore OBrien Creek White Dam Saville Downs Bore March Dam Cathedral Bore Yamla Bore Long Waterhole Jubilee Bore Boolbie Bore South Branch Cathedral River Redletter Bore Cathedral Creek Bore Saville Creek Bore Castle Bore Martel Bore Dingo Peak Acacia Downs Bore Alni Bore Bakers Bore Ada Bore Gurley Out Station Woolscour Bore Britcher Creek Tank Dunbar Dam Top Horse Bore Dunbar Bore Macunda Downs Trust Bore Mackunda Trust Bore Rum Creek Tank Engine Ridge Dam The Brother Ada Tank Toolebuck Gap Yackadoo Dam Archervale Number Five Bore Montrose Bore Middletown Beantree Waterhole Western River Parson Waterhole Menin Downs Bore Collingwood Tank Magpie Tank Llanrheidol Spring Elderslie Spring Mackunda Bore OConnor Creek Middleton Park Mackunda Hotel Boomerang Tank Pollygammon Number Sixteen Bore West Branch Mackunda Creek Mackunda West Chiltern Hills Number Two Bore Skipper Bore Left Branch Williams Creek Thompson Tank Hastings Tank Dorabunya Waterhole Nevitt Creek Lucknow Number Six Bore Williams Bore Number Thirteen Bore Kunjara Bore Dead Man Waterhole Machunda Creek Bore Lake Robert Kell Creek Matahma Dam Cork Number Eleven Bore Sixteen Mile Creek