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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Marmboo Wirryilka Mt Victoria Strathfinella Maneroo Tanamera Alroy The Ranch Abbotsleigh Angledool Glen Kyree Tandara Breedon Evesham Weona Weonaworri Strangford Unthank Manfred Yandilla Euston Penrith Moondarra Corona Colanya Yambacollie Don Goomeda Hardway Downs Jugiong Strathdarr Kapunda Dalkeith Vergemont Parkdale Glendulloch Spoilbank El Kantara Campsie Avondale Upshot Glendon Toobrac Gloucester Spring Plains Iandra Benares Rosabel Tocal Westfield Bandon Grove Tulga Stroud Weeumbah Withywine Roseneath Stormhill Royston Belmore Wantagong Bogewong Westland Bellen Park Sunnyside Notus Downs Kendal Wynn Downs Acheron Creek Alabama Alroy Water Facility Archer Creek Arrilalah Arrilalah Water Facility Arthurs Mount Back Creek Bandon Water Facility Bandour Bendigo Creek Bessies Castle Billy Creek Binbari Waterhole Bloomfields Knob Bluebush Creek Bluff Creek Boonamerrie Bootha Boundary Creek Box Creek Breedon Creek Bucket Waterhole Bugler Creek Bull Creek Bullock Creek Burgamoo Butler Creek Byanda Calpinda Cattle Creek Central Creek Cheriwoo Coolabroka Creek Corella Creek Corona Creek Mount Cory Currajong Creek Darr River Deballada Deep Creek Dexter Creek Dingo Creek Mount Douglas Draught Horse Creek Dry Creek Duckhole Waterhole Effermurra Creek Eight Mile Creek Eighteen Mile Waterhole Ernestina Ernestina Water Facility Evesham Water Facility Fermoy Florida Forest Grove Four Mile Creek Gallows Waterhole Georges Seat Goldfinch Creek Goomeeda Greysteel Creek Greysteel Waterhole Gum Creek Harcorn Creek Harmony Creek Haystack Creek Mount Haystack Hazlemere Water Facility Horse Creek Horse Shoe Creek Horton Creek Ironbark Central Creek Ironbark Creek Jeeranda Jews Harp Creek Jiger Jigera Creek Jowan Kalkigoo Karvella Katherine Creek Keleenah Kelly Creek Landcox Creek Little Maxwelton Creek Lovat Maneroo Creek Maneroo Water Facility Mangoree Martins Creek Maxwelton Creek Mount McEvoy McLaughlan Creek Melnar Mickey Creek Middle Creek Millgetta Miserable Creek Mistake Creek Monow Montford Mother Morrison Creek Mount Ryde Mulga Creek Mulga Waterhole Musgrave New Country Creek New Year Creek Newlands Numbalda One Mile Creek One Mile Waterhole Opal Creek Pattison Payne Pelican Lagoon Pinnacle Creek Pulva Pundura Quartpot Range Quorn Roany Creek Roche Creek Rock Holes Rocky Creek Rosebrook Rotten Creek Sandy Creek Sawpit Creek Scattery Scrubby Creek Shady Creek Shanty Creek Shanty Creek Water Facility Silsoe Silsoe Creek Six Mile Creek Slaughterhouse Creek Smith Creek Smyth Solomons Lower Temple Solomons Upper Temple Splitters Creek Spring Creek St George Creek Targarien The Sisters Creek Three Mile Creek Tocal Creek Tocal Water Facility Triodia Trotter Mount Vergemont Walters Knob Wammadoo Water Facility Wanganumbit Creek Welcome Creek Welcome Creek East Branch Westland Water Facility Wheelbarrow Creek Winderpool Creek Windy Creek Womerie Worcester Mitchell Little Currajong Creek Fish Hook Well Kurleea Out Station Evesham One Mile Bore Braeside Bore Dry Corner Well Goondiwarra Bore North Sisters Well Sunny Hills Well Bull Creek Bore Maxwelton Tank Breedon Number One Bore Weonaworri Number Two Bore Windy Bore Woolcha Bore Ram Paddock Bore Baynton Bore Payne Station South Sisters Well Retro Dam Effermurra Bore McLaughlans Bore Shanty Creek Bore Buangor Bore Longreach Pastoral College Redbank Bore Harveys Dam Breedon Dam Mutchemburra Bore Cumberdoon Bore East Dexter Bore Paddys Dam Opalton Murramurroo Bore Marmboo Bore Ramsay Tank Mussel Waterhole Groongal Bore Jowan Bore Bloomfield Knob Shiels Dam Temple Dam Wycharra Bore Mount Jopp Marmboo Out Station Marmboo Tank Mount Victoria Goolga Bore Boree Tank Maneroo Tank Mona Bore Wheelamurra Tank Bringagee Bore Wyvern Tank Chinaman Tank Bessie Castle Alray Varga Bore Salt Well Bore Eight Mile Bore Cave Bore Mayneside Broadwater Bore Dalton Bore Cundall Bore Spring Tank Ellerton Bore Silso Creek Weeumbah Bore Stauntons Bore Barb Wire Bore Darcys Bore Sandalwood Bore Mangoree Bore East Branch Welcome Creek Silverfox Creek Vergemont Bore Draft-horse Creek Redrock Out Station Quart Pot Range Notus Down Westerlon Number Four Bore Bugler Number One Bore