Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SF55-05

GA SF55-05 - Tangorin

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Ensay Atherfield Kentle Downs Jireena Keen Gea Sutton Downs Shirley Sandalwood Landsborough Holmleigh Evandale Eyrie Waterview Uanda Barenya Elabe Tiree Antrim Glenariff Banjoorah Aberfoyle Afton Downs Woodbine Redcliff Launceston Oakley Hillview Cheltenham Arrara Merlin Wogadoona Curragilla Elba Peronne Timaru Ashton Woura Park Zara Strathroy Melinga Ewen Plains Hopewell Park Braemar Lammermoor Barragunda Yantebobbera Tarella Ventcher abandoned Cranford Tumutvale Cameron Downs Bogunda Ulva Waverley Ludgate Hill Prairie Vale Truro Tangorin Elwell Rockwood Needlewood Glenreigh Bundella Claydon Birricannia Rossievale Dunrossie Elis Thornville Gue Branga Downs Inveresk Alba Alice Creek Arra Ashantee Creek Aynsley Back Creek Bann Creek Bannockburn Banty Creek Barenya Water Facility Baroota Waterhole Beddoe Birracania Blackfellow Creek Braemar Water Facility Breakfast Creek Bullock Creek Bumble Creek Cameron Canteen Creek Cattle Creek Mount Christison Coburra Coxen Coxen Creek Crooked Creek Derrinetta Creek Dryden Emu Creek Endymion Eversleigh Fairview Hill Fighting Waterhole Water Facility Five Mile Spring Foyle Creek Graves Creek Gue Water Facility Halfmile Water Facility Harriet Mount Harriet Mount Hollowback Hopwood Mount Hopwood Horse Creek Horse Shoe Bend Creek Horse Shoe Bend Water Facility Horseshoe Lagoon Hugueville Ingleounda Creek Jerking Creek Kerr Kybona Creek Lea Creek Lily Waterhole Lubra Creek Ludgate Mount Margaret Mechingalunga Creek Merse Creek Midlothian Mingeburra Moonlight Creek Morehead Mosquito Creek Mountain Creek Mundoo Bluff Native Creek Neds Camp Waterhole Nine Mile Spring Nolan Creek Number One Water Facility Oakley Lagoon Oakley Water Facility Oliver P.R. Creek Piccaninny Water Facility Mount Pollux Prairie Creek Prairie Vale Water Facility Raff Creek Rainsby Rockwood Creek Rockwood Waterhole Rocky Creek Roland Round Mountain Creek Ryders Creek Sandalwood Creek Sandlewood Water Facility Silverdale Creek Skeleton Creek Snake Creek Spinifex Creek St Pauls Station Creek Stenhouse Stone Creek Tamboura Tancred Tangorin Water Facility Taylor Creek Tent Creek Theresa Creek Till Torrens Towerhill Tumut Vale Water Facility Ullin Upton Walker Warianna Watten Watten Water Facility Webb Lake Wowra Wowra Creek Wowra Lagoon Wowra Waterhole Moorrinya National Park Prairie Torrens Creek One Mile Bore Boundary Tank Watten Station Watten Eight Mile Bore Four Mile Bore Watten Bore Nine Mile Bore Central Yards Bore Scour Bore Alba Station Alba Siding Sandys Tank Reay Bore Mitchells Bore Cheltenham Bore Tableland Bore Stoney Creek Bore Mountain Bore Wick Bore Curragilla Bore Roys Camp Bore Maitland Dam Foulden Tank Foulden Out Station Emu Creek Bore Horse Shoe Bend Bore Charley Creek Bridle Creek Bore Old Oakley Spot Bore Wick Mill Bore Ingleounda Bore Pandorah House Bore Koburra Lake Webb Boree Ridges Pandorah Old Bore Braemar Bore Bogunda Bore Yantabobbera Bore Monavale Bore Native Creek Bores Alice Dam Spring Creek Dam Blackfellow Bore Lagoon Dam West Branch Ingleounda Creek Doncaster Bore Ingleounda Tank Ulva Well Landsborough Tank Herrods Dam Broken Dam Bore Sandbank Bore Saint Clair Bore Harewood Bore Theresa Downs Bore Monks Dam Nine Mile Dam Glenanar Bore Sawmill Bore Minneburra Bore Prairie Bore Dingo Creek Tinnenburra Bore Twelve Mile Tank Sandalwood Bore Bunty Bore Banty Bore North Taylor Bore Silver Gidya Bore Catherine Bore Top Atherton Bore Windmill Bore Kennedys Camp Bore Bunty Creek Toms Bore Top Shed Bore Lubra Bore Prairie Creek Bore Taylors Plains Bore Lakes Bore Torrens Creek Bore Praire Vale Homestead Wynns Bore Jerking Creek Bore Martins Bore Tangorin Bore Tichbournes Bore Corner Camp Bore Rocky Creek Bore Bullock Waterhole Kolanga Bore Corner Camp Tank Spring Plains Bore Fighting Waterhole Kinders Tank Casterton Bore Corinda Bore Scotia Tank Rainsby Bore Bundelle Breakfast Creek Bore Needlewood Bore Poison Spring Upper Camp Bore Silverdale Bore Herbertshire Bore Round Mountain Bore Top Hanns Bore Chesterfield Bore Scrubby Creek Bore Lothairs Bore Stone Jug Creek