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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Tomahawk Fleetwood Jochmus Epping Forest Bimbah East Waminda Bygana Kyong Elgin Downs Middle Creek Lou Lou Park Waltham Hazelmere Eastmere Laglan Beresford Lockholm Lake Dunn Barbarah The Lake Lestree Downs Dunrobin Clunie Vale Albro Clare Fortuna Springvale Hexham Gracevale Lennox Boongoondoo Winhaven Forrester Rangers Valley Adelong Adelong Water Facility Albion Albro Springs Alice Tableland Alinya Waterhole Amma Creek Annie Vale Creek Aramac Range Back Creek Bando Creek Barney Creek Bauhinia Creek Bede Bimbah Creek Boggy Creek Boomerang Waterhole Box Flat Water Facility Broadna Waterhole Brothers Creek Burgura Creek Bygana Waterhole Cabbage Tree Creek Campbell Island Campoven Mountain Carmichael Creek Carmichael River Carmichaelo Creek Carnegie Cattle Creek Chance Clare Creek Clarke Creek Clarke Waterhole Clunie Clunie Creek Cockatoo Creek Coventry Creek Crooked Creek Cudmore Dandy Creek Degulla Degulla Lagoon Dennis Dingo Creek Mount Donnybrook Doongmabulla Drury Duck Creek Dunda Creek Dunda Waterhole Dunjarrobina Waterhole Dunn Creek Durdham Watercourse Dyllingo Creek Edie Edie Creek Eel Waterhole Fernie Fiery Creek Finnigan Forest Hill Four Mile Waterhole Fox Creek Freds Lagoon Lake Galilee Gayundah Georges Waterhole Glue Pot Creek Golspie Grassy Creek Gravesend Gray Rock Water Facility Mount Gregory Gum Yards Dam Hector Springs Labona Laglan Springs Lake Dunn Water Facility Lake Tank Lanark Lascelles Creek Lestree Lestree Creek Lestree Hill Lestree Hill Creek Little Creek Long Island Long Waterhole Macpherson Maloneys Dam Marion Maynard McCormack Mirrabilla Creek Nankeroo Narrien Native Companion Creek Native Creek Ogungeena Creek Old Labona Outurra Creek Paddy Creek Pine Creek Pittsburg Police Mountain Policeman Creek Quetta Recruit Reedy Creek Rigby Creek Rocky Creek Rosherville Sandy Camp Waterhole Sandy Creek Sauchie Sawpit Waterhole Schofield Creek Schofield Waterhole Scoville Scrubby Creek Seven Mile Creek Shuttleworth Sixteen Mile Creek Southmere Spreads Tank Narrien Range National Park Spurway Stockyard Creek Sumana Surprise Creek Symonds Dam Tanka Creek Tdidouna Creek The Gap The Nunnery Tin Hut Waterhole Tiptree Tomahawk Creek Tooloongra Trelawney Tumbarumba Creek Ulcanbah Valley Creek Wareena Waterhole Whately Willean Water Facility Wonga Mound Dam Yahoo Creek Yellow Waterhole Creek Yellow-Water Creek Epping Forest National Park Scientific Cudmore National Park Cudmore Resources Reserve Elgin Mistake Creek Galilee Upland North Oakvale Snake Dam Diamond Creek Blowhard Creek Eight Mile Bore Charlies Dam Bertie Creek Ulcanbah Creek Scrubby Dam Big Springs Dunjerobina Waterhole Rockwell Dam Dooyne Creek Carmichael Bore Ogenbeena Creek Dewarrimah Bore Sandalwood Waterhole Bloodwood Bore Doongmabulla South Bore Galilee Bore Coolan Creek Oakvale Bore Bygana Dennis Bore Bimbah Bore Rock Well Lignum Tank Dead Horse Tank Yellow Water Creek Bimbah South Bore Bede Bore Epping Forest National Park Rocket Albion Bore Gracemere Tank Swanlea Bore Lake Dunn Bore Warrena Waterhole Hazlemere Everton Bargira Sixteen Mile Dam Wilburn Dam Lapunyah Dam Widgeman Gilgoen Dam Yellow Waterhole Kismet Springvale Bore Lestree Hill Swamp Lapunyah Bore Mirabilla Creek Pittsburg Bore Tiger Waterhole Splitters Creek Bore Eagle Flat Bore Camp Oven Mountain Titree Waterhole Sams Waterhole Tableland Brigalow Tank Gray Rock Bore Duncans Dam Narrien Range