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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Bardell Orange Downs Dahra Beaconsfield Moonya Ascot Tawarra Arundel Longway Oakley Hulton Kialla Currane Culburnie Norbert Park Coreena Shed Kateroy Sheds Nogo Saltern Creek Kateroy Bendigo Margot Camden Park Kelso Eurolie Audreystone Dundee Newstead Elton Elbank Mayfield Braeside Rio Allandale Avro Accord Garches Ashgrove Talaheena Shadyside Camoola Park Politic Talleyrand Glenaras Summer Hill Leichhardt Yanburra Dalmore Dillulla Illabunda The Rand Marchmont Wingalong Shed Leichhardt Farms Shandon Vale Auteuil Taree Goodberry Hills Rodney Downs Willoughby Darra Neenah Park Bexley Kia-Ora Bellara Maranda Shed Mayfair Springvale Pendine Invercauld Bristol Balmoral Maranda Raphoe Daunton Mildura Leander Macsland Fairfield Padua Dundonald Byron Park Hathaway Coreena Fairmount Bimbah Balonne Strathmore Glenferrie Avonslea Lakeview Rosebank Griffdale Booloo Barmutha Combe Martin Elmsdale Eden Downs Cumberland Dunblane Wedna Hamlet Downs Barsdale Avoca Marievale Tara Rosedale Ashwell Rotherfield Willowie Jaccondoll Fernhirst Whitehill Dunraven Killarney Clovelly Illawarra Rovam Delta Devonshire Lyndon Kilala Smithfield Oakhampton Loongana Bullens Cecil Park Evanston Langdale Tonga The Patrick Montrose Gordonvale Logie Killara Park Nerrena Navarre Pegasus Barrs Gully Lara Mount Arthur Valoak Bradninch Jubilee Park Clover Hills Nimaloola Dandaraga The Glen Willowen Amor Downs Paulvue Interlaken Silverwood Wellshot Freemans Urambie Trent Latrobe Hazelwood Wynstay Gregory Home Creek Arlington Park Somerset Barcaldine Longreach Andersons Creek Aramac Creek Aslockton Autieul Back Creek Bampton Barcaldine Downs Beaconfield Water Facility Beaconsfield Creek Bellabad Black Gin Creek Blackboy Creek Boree Creek Boundary Creek Bowyer Bradninch Creek Brixham Brixham Creek Brixham Water Facility Brixton Brixton Creek Brixton Water Facility Broken Leg Creek Brutus Creek Buffalo Creek Bumble Creek Butler Camoola Casino Creek Cassidy Creek Cassidys Knob Cattle Creek Cedar Creek Charles Lloyd Jones Weir Christmas Creek Clear Lagoon Cleeve Water Facility Clemeshia Clifton Creek Collier Collumpton Creek Cramsie Curlew Creek Darnhall Water Facility Darr Darr Siding Water Facility Dartbrix Water Facility Dartmouth Dead Horse Creek Delta Creek Deroora Dickson Creek Dingo Creek Dolly Lake Doxat Eight Mile Waterhole Eighteen Mile Dam Elibank Elibank Creek Emu Hills Creek Ernestina Ernestina Creek Ernestina Water Facility Evora Creek Fairyland Creek Fitch-Kemp Four Mile Creek Frasers Freshwater Creek Gambling Creek Geera Glenpatrick Goodberry Mount Goodberry Gregory Creek Griffdale Water Facility Gum Creek Gunyah Creek Harney Lane Water Facility Hazelwood Creek Hazlemere Hazlewood Creek Herbert Range Horse Creek Hugden Hughenden Creek Ilfracombe Ilfracombe Creek Ingberry Jondaryan Creek Kelso Creek Lagoon Creek Lagoon Creek Water Facility Leander Creek Ledger Creek Leichhardt Creek Little Broken Leg Creek Little Cattle Creek Little Jondaryan Creek Little Politic Creek Lloyds Creek Longreach Waterhole Longreach West Lower Ram Creek Macsland Water Facility Magoffins Water Facility Margot Water Facility Navarre Creek New Year Creek Newark Nine Mile Waterhole Oakhampton Creek One Mile Creek One Mile Waterhole Packsaddle Creek Patrick Creek Pendine Creek Pennycoed Creek Percy Creek Phillips Creek Pickwick Portland Richardson Rio Waterhole Rocky Creek Rodney Mount Rodney Ryan Salt Creek Saltbush Creek Saltern Sandy Creek Seven Mile Creek St Andrews Creek Station Creek Stockyard Creek Stuart Creek Tenterden Thomson Watershed Water Facility Thornton Creek Top Hut Creek Totnes Tylden Wangella Wearyfoot Creek Weller Wellshot Creek Westbourne Westbrook Creek Western Creek Winnis Woolshed Creek Youranigh Ibis Patrick Tara Station Marathon Bore Politic Creek Bullock Paddock Bore Loxton Bore Ibis Creek Talleyrand Bore The Springs Bore Tallayrand Langharne Dam Cassidy Knob Nine Mile Bore Middle Hole Emu Creek Boundary Waterhole Clair Bore Fraser Station The Meadows Bore Bexley Bore Darr Station Itchora Bore Pennycoed Bore The Dip Bore Bowyer Station Twenty Mile Bore Watsons Bore Bumble Paddock Bore Ascot Downs The Sandhills Bore Emu Hills East Bore Balonna Macsland Bore Bimbah Bore Cattle Creek Bore Saint Clears Bore Woolshed Bore Fullerton Bore Kailla Rodney Bore Culburnie Bore Meadowland Bore Hyde Park Bore Newark Station Brutus Creek Bore Curlew Bore Cleeve Dalgi Old Bore Dalgi New Bore Shakespeares Bore Cleeve Station Greengates Bore Broken Creek Wool Scour Mayfield Bore Hugden Bore Woodend Bore Plain Paddock Bore Thornhill Bore Jerrys Dam Dartmouth Siding Glenbuck Mud Tank Bore Deroora Siding Anderson Creek Brixton Siding Saltern Siding Lake View Ryan Siding Westbourne Siding Griffdale Bore Dumblane Geera Siding Ernestine Tank Malula Bore Avoca Bore Stony Tank Marievale Bore Clermont Tank Somerton Bore Mernoo Glenelg Bore Hanlon Tank Dunraven Bore Killarney Bore Mernoo Bore Centre Tank Fittleworth Dam Oakhampton Bore Webbers Dam Wellshot Trust Bore Greasy Bore Fernhirst Dam Evora Waterhole Dartmouth Bore Scotchman Dam Victoria Tank Darnhall Dam Totnes Bore Saltbush Bore Ledger Bore Ernestina Dam Birdstone Tank Top Boundary Bore Eureka Tank Kyneton Bore Magoffins Tank Mary Creek Bradninch Bore Dandaraga Bore Interlakin Paulvae Dynamite Dam Mary Creek Dam Gregory Bore Salt Creek Bore Saint Andrews Creek Butler Creek Lower Lara Bore Blackboy Bore Tylden Dam Tylden Bore Mount Arthur Bore Egans Bore Cleanskin Bore Rocky Bore Thomson Woolshed Bore Brixham Tank Brixham Bore Washpool Waterhole