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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Bonnie Doon Merrigal Wandsworth Towart Moyen Sedan Haughton Vale Ramula Retreat Rosehill Currareva Advance Ourdell Budgerygar Oakham Mayfield Hammond Downs Glenmurken abandoned Thunda Ingella Clifton Regleigh Tenham Maroo Araluen Bulgroo Windorah Achill Adaford Adderley Akkoo Creek Alfred Bluff Alliance Arning Waterhole Arounga Waterhole Bayrowah Bayrowah Waterhole Beebeethah Waterhole Black Wallinderry Waterhole Bloodwood Creek Blue Well Creek Boree Creek Bosworth Boucah Waterhole Boundary Creek Box Waterhole Breakfast Creek Bull Creek Bull Waterhole Bullang Waterhole Bulldog Waterhole Bungee Bungera Waterhole Cairnlee Creek Canaway Downs Mount Canaway Castle Rock Castlerock Castlerock Creek Castles Water Facility Cheviot Cheviot Range Chipalu Coltboard Creek Coniston Coocule Waterhole Cooli Hill Coolibah Waterhole Coonabilla Creek Coorajah Creek Corrib Dan Creek Deadmans Channel Dinner Creek Donnelly Creek Dowling Durack Durack Gap Durack Gap Creek Eatons Channel Eight Mile Creek Eunthah Waterhole Eylle Waterhole Fifteen Mile Waterhole Flat Waterhole Galway Galway Downs Galway Waterhole Gauntlet Gidya Creek Gum Creek Gunnawarra Creek Hammond Hampoon Water Facility Henley Hippinyah Hippinyah Waterhole Hobson Gap Hobson Gap Creek Homler Waterhole Horse Creek Ichella Waterhole Illathulla Jacks Waterhole Jampot Creek Jedburgh Kalabra Swamp Kars Keenanty Keeroongooloo Keeroongooloo Creek Kyabra Creek Lovetts Bluff Lynwood Madras Makolo Malcho Creek Maranie McIntyre Creek McPhellamys Crossing Meale Sandhill Metz Middle Creek Milka Moonbang Creek Moothandella Moothandella Creek Muckalara Sandhill Mud Hut Creek Waterhole Mulga Creek Mummel Munnimerrie Waterhole Munta Murken Murken Waterhole Murra Murra Creek Never Never Creek One Tree Waterhole Opal Creek Orange Creek Orkney Pargin Creek Pebble Hill Petworth Pintara Waterhole Powell Creek Rocky Crossing Romula Sandy Creek Sawyer Creek Sedan Waterhole Sedburgh Seventeen Mile Creek Six Mile Waterhole Skull Waterhole Snake Creek Spring Creek Springfield Stockyard Creek Stoneleigh Stony Creek Tampoon Water Facility The Whale Thewan Waterhole Thomson River Thunda Waterhole Thunda Creek Thunda Lake Ti-Tree Water Facility Tighe Tommy Dodd Creek Toolah South Water Facility Touro Creek Trafalgar Trinidad Tula Twenty Mile Waterhole Twickenham Mountain Twin Lakes Ullanbear Waterhole Wallinderry Waterhole Wallum Waterhole Wanta Warcanya Waterhole Warrannee Waterhole Welford Welford Lagoon Mount Welford Westbank Wheeo Whisky Waterhole Whitewood Wichilo Creek Windorah Billabong Woolscour Waterhole Worcannia Yambaccono Yapunyah Yapunyah Creek Yarran Creek Yellebulla Waterhole Yellow Mountain Yellow Mountain Creek Yongala Welford National Park Jundah Barcoo River Great Artesian Basin Artesian Basin Great Australian Basin Rocky Waterhole Battle Waterhole Stewart Creek Thompson River Munro Thenda Creek Yambacoona Outstation Thunda Lagoon Troopers Lagoon Kyabre Creek Long Hole Waterhole Lignun Well Baxter Outstation White Well Lula Outstation Seven Mile Bore