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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Dumfries Ivanhoe Malta Minnie Downs Baneda Stockade Lisnalee Manning Forest Hill Ercildune Caldervale Glanmire Stirling Downs Kootchie Cheero Downs Allawah Yandarlo Woolga Westbourne Tarrina Toolmaree Westquarter Highfields Drinsmain Milray Myall Creek Baree Downlands Cargara Bulburram Chatham Toliness Sunny Downs Lumeah Southampton Downs Walton Downs Toolong Lower Lansdowne Akarayu Oxford Downs Ashby Downs Raincourt Glanworth Barwinock Bayrick Bayswater Fairview Nive Downs Camroo Downs Langlo Downs Lucknow Byrganna Camroo Laguna Manly Arlington Willara Bullecourt Waverley Barford Cunalama Baykool Noella Aubigny Claren Park Poseidon Oakwood Plevna Downs Gladys Vale Waterford Bellona Brumich Perola Park Mareto Connemara Maruga Gladys Downs Rosewood Nungil Wadeholme Buckeys Creek Gleneden Burenda Balmacarra Biddenham Mount Morris Mountain Farm Roselin Holly Downs Wansey Downs Bonfield Overshot Wiringa Pinnacle Goldacre abandoned Allendale Middleton Currajong Oakleigh Reynella Tyrone North Gundare Warrah Billoola Dungowan Augathella Alarm Creek Andersons Waterhole Augaclara Water Facility Back Creek Back Gully Balfour Barford Water Facility Barkers Hill Barkoothulla Bayrick Creek Bayrick Creek North Branch Bayrick Creek South Branch Bedurie Creek Behool Belstead Creek Bend Waterhole Bermondsey Big V Creek Big Wilson Creek Billabong Creek Billy Gully Black Creek Boggy Creek Bookabooka Creek Borah Creek Borea Borer Creek Bottle Tree Creek Boundary Creek Boundary Creek North Branch Boyne Creek Buckey Creek Bull Creek Burenda Creek Bury Byrganna Creek C B Creek Cannon Creek Cargara Creek Caroline Caroline Crossing Castle Hill Castle Hill Creek Cattle Creek Cave Gully Cedros Chili Chinamans Garden Waterhole Clara Coolibah Creek Cresswell Cresswell Creek Crows Nest Creek Cunno Damson Creek Damson Creek North Branch Damson Creek South Branch Dingo Hill Downfall Creek Druin Creek Dunstan Edeengo Elizabeth Creek Emu Creek Espie Creek Fawley Fenian Creek Fleming Four Mile Creek Gidya Creek Gum Holes Water Facility Handsworth Harket Gully Haymakers Creek Hermitage Hitit Creek Hoganthulla Hoganthulla Creek Home Creek Horse Creek Ironbark Creek Jackson Creek Jerusalem Gully Mount Kellar Kennedy Creek Kennedys Khyber Kootchie Creek Langlo Langlo River Western Head Lansdowne Lansdowne Water Facility Larry Creek Larrys Creek Listowel Creek Little V Creek Macintyre Creek Manning Water Facility Metowra Metowra Creek Metowra Water Facility Middle Creek Milky Way Hill Mount Morris Creek Murdin Narraga Water Facility Narrga Nats Creek Nive Nuns Waterhole O'Neill Gully Oak Park One Mile Gully Paddys Creek Parrattamow Parrattamow Creek Pelican Waterhole Pendennis Pigeon Creek Pigurra Pinnacle Creek Planted Creek Quilberry Rayner Redbank Waterhole Reid Creek Rocky Creek Ronsfeldt Creek Sandy Creek Scrubby Creek Separation Creek Serpentine Creek Sheep Hill Gully Sheep Station Creek Six Mile Creek St John Creek Stakeyard Creek Starkey Creek Stockade Creek Surprise Lagoon Tank Gully Taranaway Creek Tarrina Creek Terringa Creek Thompsons Creek Tominion Creek Toolmarree Toolmarree Creek Toolong Creek Top Creek Twelve Mile Creek Twenty Six Mile Creek Two Mile Creek Virginia Creek Walker Creek Walkers Tree Well Wester Head Creek Western Creek Westphalia Westphalia Creek White Ridge Waterhole Whitechapel Creek Winters Creek Woolgar Creek Yapunyah Creek Yo Yo Yo Yo Creek Yo Yo Creek South Branch Yo Yo Water Facility Warrego Range Scrubby Creek Tambo Shire Ward Splitters Creek Western Head Creek Blueys Gully Bore Tableland Bore Great Dividing Range Eastern Highlands The Great Divide Boggy Creek Bore Callaghans Bore Blueys Gully Narambla Bore Six Mile Waterhole Donnellys Bore Four Mile Bore McGills Bore Gum Holes Bore Six Mile Bore Rams Gully Lower Terringa Bore Castle Hill Bore Leyburn Bore Cattle Camp Bore Woolga North Bore River Paddock Bore Bullrush Bore Three Mile Dam Nott Creek Kootchee Creek Ram Paddock Bore Balkie Bore Allawah Bore East Red Hill Bore Gidyea Creek Myall Creek Bore Wilson Creek Selbourne Bore Saint John Creek Toliness Bore Chatham Bore Bolan Tank Selbourne Tank Bulburram Bore Sheldons Bore Bolan Bore Western Head Langlo River Landsborough Waterhole Herzfeldt Bore Peters Pond Waterhole Ring Tank Ram Paddock Tank Beehool Waterhole Twenty-Six Mile Creek Khyber Bore Caves Creek Tank Sandy Creek Bore South Branch Damson Creek North Branch Damson Creek Coolabri Unibri Bore Ovens Bore Dicks Dam Top Merah Bore Nine Mile Tanks Johnson Tank Ironbarks Bore New Milgarra Bore Duck Creek Bore Beeby Tank Lower Merah Tank Tighes Well Kennedy Tank South Branch Bayrik Creek North Branch Bayrik Creek Fishhole Waterhole Pinfire Bore Nine Mile Bore Middle Creek Tank Lower Merah Bore Borer Creek Bore Glenalvin Tank Cooks Tank Boltons Plain Bore Langlo Bore Boundary Dam Pipe Creek Hughes Tank Reids Creek Aubigny Bore Collins Tank Yapuna Creek Baileys Tank Perseverance Pipe Tank Coolibah Tank Lewis Bore Walkers Tank Wyatts Tank McBrides Tank Daves Dam Milky Way Dam Six Mile Dam Little Vick Creek McCarthys Tank Godfreys Bore Gardners Tank Drum Creek Big Vick Sunrise Lagoon Garlands Tank Walkers Dam Sunrise Creek Wooroowoolgin Tank Cants Tank Paddy Creek Myall Bore Brigalow Tank Box Creek Tank Myall Tank Koorangie Mingalong Tank Buckleys Creek Belstead Bore Five Mile Bore Beehole Bottle Tree Tank Twelve Mile Bore Ranges Tank Gidya Bore Reddings Tank Augathella Creek Steelwings Bore Needlewood Bore Alma Tank Nashs Tank Garden Paddock Bore Kangaroo Bore Ah Moo Tank Mountain Bore Warrego Bore Saltbush Bore Thompson Creek Kurrajong Gum Hole Dam C.B. Creek Right Branch Kennedy Creek Kennedy Creek Right Branch Mount McKellar