Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SG55-10

GA SG55-10 - Charleville

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Tyrone Dunvegan Ard-Na-Ree Etona Warilda Loyala Mulga Forest Woolabra Bundoo Lynton Hills Box Creek Rocksville Calowrie Millie Helvetia Park ruins Bellrose Cairns North Yarrawonga Mia Mia Mount Pleasant Narrawong Wardsdale Lesdale Glenallen Rylstone Wardilla Sommariva Wyoming Spring Hill Arabella Billoola Dungowan Koreelah Yo Yo Park Miegunyah Ravenscourt Oakpark Newholme Barradeen Clara Creek Rosebank Patrick Park Combanning Bonella Molonga Yarrawonga Maxvale Newstead Burrandilla Rosewood Collaroy Myall Glenyarron Joylands Halton Cashalton Thurlby Pickabox Auburn Vale Binga Minor Old Gowrie Canargo Cathys Garden Villa Mortlake Rhonda Vale Merrigang Loddon Myendetta Coothalla Woodside Inkerman Mayfield Wallal Rocky Maryvale Boin Millwood Prairie Flat Riccartoon Barcudgel Tooloon Authoringa Colombo Weaner Creek Paringa Austinmer Riversleigh Shelbourne Bodouna Cungella Kanalba Lowood Merigol Hythe Blackburn Mangalore Arapinta Glenbrook Aldinga Bicton Wooyenong Nooraloo Barimornie Dillalah Werrina Riverview Bilbie Park Guestling Yallara Sandford Park Fortland Springfield Kenmore Karoola Kalanoa Wheatleigh Sherwood Charleville Ada Alice Downs Angellala Angellala Creek Arkansas Authoringa Creek Back Creek Bakers Bend Waterhole Barduthulla Barduthulla Creek Barradeen Creek Bergin Big Borer Creek Bilbie Waterhole Tank Blacks Creek Blacks Water Facility Box Flat Creek Boxvale Creek Bradleys Gully Branch Creek Brigalow Gully Brunel Brunell Water Facility C B Creek Carbeen Charleville Water Facility Clara Creek Water Facility Cresswell Creek Duck Creek Duck Pond Creek Enright Water Facility Erac Erac Creek Fifteen Mile Creek Fortland Water Facility Gidya Creek Glamis Glengarry Glengarry Water Facility Gowrie Gowrie Crossing Gum Creek Hamburg Creek Harts Gully Highway Water Facility Hood Horne Hunt Junction Water Facility Kahmoo Kahmoomulga Karrol Mount Kellar Kennedy Creek Killalan Kunial Langlo Crossing Langlo River Little Borer Creek Lloyd Creek Lobster Creek Lodden Lomax Lost Knife Creek Lurnea Mail Change Water Facility Mangalore Waterhole Marrah McKinnon Meecha Merrigin Middle Creek Minitta Mooloothulla Creek Mount Morris Mumbooby Murweh Murweh Waterhole Myall Creek Nebraska Nemunulla Swamp Nichloson Creek Nimaru Nive River Odo Onay Orrery Peters Creek Peterson Prairie Flat Creek Querundi Rocky Creek Rosemount Water Facility Ross Sprys Crossing Tarrangella Terrys Waterhole Two Mile Waterhole Ularunda Wanko Ward River Warrego River Warril Watta Westgate Winters Creek Woolshed Creek Woolshed Gully Yanna Yarran Creek Yena Buckenby Cashel Bakers Bend Cooladdi Gowrie Station Langlo C.B. Creek Right Branch Kennedy Creek Kennedy Creek Right Branch Mount McKellar Burns Tank Oak Park Bore Newholme Bore Goat Hill Wades Tank Four Mile Waterhole Twenty-Seven Mile Waterhole Clara Creek Tank Aroo Gowrie East Bore Duck Lagoon Cobb Creek Millie Station Bore Sandridge Paddock Bore Gowrie West Bore Helvetia Park Islay Plains Little Gidgee Gidya Plains Mill Paddock Bore Yarrawonga North Dingo Gully Lockwood Bore Yarrawonga Bore Lockwood Chesterfield New Farm Raceview Bore Glengarry Tank Ada Bore Cattle Paddock Bore Racecourse Bore Arabella Station Lurnea Station Wardilla Bore Auburn Peedeebee Bore Nicholson Creek Hazelbush Vera Park Bark Creek Auburn Vale Bore Mudgegonga Cattle Creek Dillalah Bore Wallal Bore Highfield Bore Nimaru Station Myendetta Bore Westgate Station Inkerman Creek Loddon Station Blacks Tank Myendetta Station Warrego River Station Gum Waterhole Kurrijong Tank Brigalow Tank Stony Gorge Middle Tank Twenty Mile Waterhole Black Bullock Paddock Tank Frasers Waterhole Gum Gully Elbow Waterhole Six Mile Hollow Three Mile Hollow Shelbourne Waterhole Cedars Waterhole Ten Mile Waterhole Eight Mile Hollow Majors Tank Woodstock Bore Gungella Gungella Tank Lomax Bore J. D. Creek Glenfern Hells Corner Bore Williams Bore Millwood South Bore Barimornie Bore Bilbie Waterhole Bilbie Bore Spring Bank Dillalah Waterhole Dillalah Station Yarran Plateau Tanks Boatman Bore Kenmore Bore Springfield Bore