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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Bullfinch 23 Mile Dam 26 Mile Well 3 Mile Rocks 40 Mile Tank Allens Find Mine Atkinsons Find Baladjie Baladjie Lake Baladjie Nature Reserve Baladjie Rock Barcooting Hill Barcooting Well Boodarockin Boondine Boondine Hill Boundary Dam Bruno Dam Buddarning Peak Bulgine Rockhole Bungalbin Bungalbin Hill Burgoose Butcher Bird Battery Carine Carracubbing Spring Carterton Chatarie Well Chiddarcooping Hill Chadwick Mine Chutawalakin Hill Chutawalakin Well Clarkson Flat Colreavy Colreavy Dam Coorancooping Hill Copperhead Mine Cowine Soak Curragibbin Hill Currajong Tank Darrine Darrine Dam Darrine Rock Days Find Mine Dooling Soak Dowd Hill East Dam Eenuin Eenuin Tanks Elachbutting Elachbutting Rock Elachbutting Rock Reserve Ennuin Farren Rock Farren Rockhole Geelakin Rock Geelakin Well Geeraning Nature Reserve Geeraning Rock Geeraning Well Glasses Well Glen Rhynn Rocks Gnabberdocking Rock Golden Valley Googaling Rockhole Gossan Group Hamersley Lakes Hanks Find Mine Helena and Aurora Ranges Hickey Ricken Soak Highclere Hills Hill Dam Hughes Hill Hunt Range Jackson Jinadara Jinadarra Rock Journalogwin Rock Kangaroo Rock Karolin Rock Karolin Well Kawana Koolyanobbing Koolyanobbing Range Kurrajong Rockhole Kuykara Rock Lake Deborah Lake Deborah East Lake Deborah West Lake Seabrook Malancobbing Hill Manxman Marda Marda Tank Mica Dam Millars Mine Mistletoe Mine Mornington Mine Mount Colreavy Mount Correll Mount Dimer Mount Huggins Mount Jackson Mount Jackson Group Mine Mount Manning Range Nature Reserve Mount Woodward Muddahdah Hill Muddarning Hill Narla Newfield Mine Nierguine Rock No. 1 Dam No. 2 Dam Pittosporum Rock Radio Mine Raes Rock Redwing Reynolds Find Mine Riedels Mine Roberts Dam Rowans Find Mine Rutherfords Find Mine Salt Dam South Dam St Clair Group Stinking Well The Peninsula The Sisters Top Bore Top Bore Dam Trough Well Turkey Hill Ullumbay Soak Victoria Hill Violet Mine Waddoin Rock Walyahmoning Nature Reserve Walyahmoning Rock Wayabeen Hill Windarling Aerodrome Windarling Peak Withers Find Mine Woongaring Hills Yacke Yackine Dam Yanneymooning Hill Yanneymooning Nature Reserve Yanneymooning Well Yanoning Rock Yeeding Hill Yeela Hill Yendilberin Hills Yenyannig Hill Yerilgee Tank Yilgarn Muddadah Muddahdah Mount Manning Range Chatarie Rockhole Yerilgee Rockhole Victoria Yeela Wayabeen Curragibbin Yeeding Muddarning Yenyannig Bungalbin Soak Currajong Rockhole Geeraning Waddoin Flachbutting Three Mile Rocks Moordamulling Rock Walyahmoning Malancobbing Yanneymooning Gnabberdocking Eenuin Well Journalogwin Soak Number Two Dam Number One Dam Rabbit Rock Barcooling Well Coorancooping Twenty-three Mile Dam Mount Higgins Googaling Soak Chiddarcooping Chutawalakin Twenty-Six Mile Well Narla Station