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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
10 Mile Dam 10 Mile Well 14 Mile Dam 2 Mile Dam 22 Mile Dam 22 Mile Well 33 Mile Tank 4 Corners Bore 4 Mile Dam 4 Mile Hill 4 Mile Swamp 43 Mile Tank 43 Mile Well 5 Mile Dam 6 Mile Dam 6 Mile Dams 6 Mile Mine 6 Mile Waterhole 6 Mile Well A Tank Adelaide Dams Anglo Saxon Mine Anketell Dam Anti Dam Arcoona Arcoona Woolshed Argument Dam Associated G. M. Mine Avoca Downs Away From It All Dam B Tank Babington Rockhole Bakers Well Balagundi Balagundi Dam Balagundi Well Beerie Gnamma Hole Bennet Dam Bent Stem Dam Betsy Bore Big Dam Big Well Billabong Dam Billy Billy Hill Binti Binti Mine Binti Binti Rocks Binti Binti Well Binti Bore Black Cat Well Black Hill Dam Black Swan Mine Blamey Blue Duck Dam Blue Gap Mine Blues Dam Bodgie Dam Boner Dams Boolbundie Boolbundie Dam Boomerang Dam Boorara Boorara Hill Borderline Bore Boulder Perseverance Mine Boundary Dam Breakaway Bore Bronco Plains Bronco Plains Dam Brown Hill Brown Knob Buckston Tank Bullock Holes Bullock Holes Timber Reserve Bulong Bulong Dam Bulyairdie Rock Burton Dam Burton Hill Cables Well Camel Dam Canegrass Swamp Canyon Dam Cardunia Rocks Cardunia Rocks Nature Reserve Cardunia Soak Carmelia Dam Carosue Dam Carr Boyd Rocks Carr Boyd Rocks Mine Carr Boyd Well Chifley Centre Dam Centre Loftys Dam Cessna Dam Chaffers Mine Christchurch Dam Christmas Bore Christmas Dam Christmas Gift Dam Christmas Well Clay Core Dam Claypan Dam Claypan Dams Clinker Hill Coffee Swamp Cohen Swamp Cohen Swamp Dam Colour Dam Comet Well Common Dam Cone Dam Coonana Timber Reserve Corner Bore Corner Dam Corsair Mine Cowarna Rockholes Cowarna Rocks Crab Hill Crabby Dam Cyanide Swamp D Tank Dart Dam Davies Dam Digger Dam Dingo Dam Dingo Rock Dingo Rockhole Dog Dam Doolan Dam Dots Tank Dry Dam Duggan Bore Duplex Hill Dusty Dam E Tank East East Rock Dam East Sampson Dam Edwards Mine Eldonna Dam Eldorado Mine Eleanor Glen Dam Ellis Dam Elsie Dam Emu Dam Emu Plains Eulinna Dam Extension Dam Extension Tank Falkiner Dam Festival Dam Feysville Feysville Tank Fimiston Flat Dam Forestry Dam Four Corners Bore Fourth 3 Mile Tank Foxs Find Mine Galloway Dam Galvalley Rockhole Garibaldi Garibaldi Mine Gessners Dam Gessners Mine Gilgarna Rock Gilgarna Rockhole Gilgarna Well Gindalbie Gindalbie Dam Gindalbie Mine Gindalbie Woolshed Gnamma Hole Dam Goat Dam Goddarbie Hill Goddard Dams Golden Horseshoe Mine Golden Ridge Golden Valley Mine Gooragooggine Gordon Gordon Dam Gordon Mine Government Dam Grave Dam Great Boulder Mine Green Harp Mine Grey Dam Grunts Dam Guildford Dam Gum Tree Dam Gumbulgera Hill Gundockerta Hill Gunny Dam Hackets Well Half Way Dam Half Way Dams Halfway Hill Hamilton Mine Hampton Hampton Hill Hampton Plains Hancock Hill Hannan Lake Hannans Star Mine Harper Lagoon Harry Dam Hayes New Find Mine Headley Dam Headquarters Tank Healey Dam Hill End Hillsborough Mine Hit Or Miss Mine Holey Dam Hollies Tank Home Rule Dam Home Rule Swamp Homestead Dam Homestead Dams Hope Mine Hopeless Dam Horseshoe Dam House Dams Hunt Pinnacles Iron Duke Mine Ironstone Dam Ivanhoe Mine Jockos Bore Jubilee Jubilee Dam Juglah Juglah Rock Julie Dam Jummungie Hill Jumnania Hill Junction Dams Jurangie Dam Jurangie Hill Kalgurlie Mine Kalpini Dam Kalpini Hill Kalpini Mine Kanowna Kanowna Consol Mine Kanowna Dam Kanowna Red Hill Mine Kardordi Rockhole Karonie Karonie Dam Kenty Dam Khartoum Dam Kims Dam Kirgella Rockhole Kirgella Rocks Kurnalpi Kurnalpi Hill Kurrajong Well Lady Rose Dam Lake Emu Lake Emu Dams Lake Gwynne Lake Penny Lake Perkolilli Lake Rebecca Lake Roe Lake View Mine Lake Yindana Lake Yindarlgooda Lakeside Timber Reserve Lakewood Lakewood Lagoon Dam Lapage Hill Leaky Dam Leo Dam Liberty Bore Lignum Swamp Lily Australis Mine Lindsay Dam Lindsay Mine Lindsay Well Lindsays Dam Lone Pine Dam Lonely Dam Lords Bore Louis Dam Macs Tank Maggies Dam Main Road Dam Main Road Well Majestic Majestic Dam Majestic Mine Majestic Swamp Majestic Timber Reserve Mallee Dam Marsh Dam Mayday Mine Menzies Tank Mid East Tank Middle Milky Well Mine Dam Monty Dam Mooree Hill Morelands Find Mine Mount Ballona Mount Bellew Mine Mount Briggs Mount Charles Mount Charnleigh Mount Charnleigh Tank Mount Eric Mount Gwynne Mount Hunt Mount Magnetic Mount Mcleay Mount Monger Dam Mount Parkin Mount Quin Mount Shea Mount Turner Mount Yindarlgooda Mount Youle Mulga Dam Mulgabbie Mulgabbie Dam Mulgabbie Hill Mulgabbie Mine Mulgabbie Perseverance Mine Mulgarrie Well Mulgarrie Well Mine Mundaring Dam Mybitt Dam Nancara Rockhole New Canegrass Dam New Gnamma Hole Dam New Gordons Dam New North Boulder Mine No. 2 Tank No. 4 Tank No. 41 Dam Nobel Dam Nodule Dam Noonan Dams Norman Dam North Burton Tank North Dam North Ewe Dam North Lead Mine North White Feather Mine Nowhere Else Dam Old Canegrass Dam Old Harriet Mine Old Pinjin Old Plough Dam Old Well Old Wild Dog Dam Oldfield Well Olly Dam Olly Swamp Oroya South Mine Our Swamp Our Swamp Dam Outcamp Dams Paddy Dam Parkeston Patch Dam Penglaze Dam Penny Dam Pennys Find Mine Peppertree Dams Perkolilli Perkolilli Dam Philip Dam Pineapple Dam Pinjin Pinjin Hill Pinjin Rockhole Pinnacles Dam Pipeclay Peaks Plains Dam Pooches Dam Presleys Tank Quartz Peak Queen Lapage Mine Queen Margaret Mine Quondong Dam Railway Dam Rainbow Dam Randell Dam Randell Hill Randell Timber Reserve Rattle Dam Red Bluff Gully Red Dam Red Lake Red Peak Flat Reef Dam Reef Four Tank Reef Tank Reidy Swamp Reidys Bankup Dam Relief Hill Relief Well Rest Dam Robinson Mine Rocky Dam Ross Dam Rough Gap Round Dam Round Hill Rowes Dam Rutters Dam Salmon Dam Sampson Dam Sampsons Dam Sardine Dam Sawmill Dams Scotch Star Mine Scottish Lass Well Separation Tank Shallow Dam Share Dam Sheep Dam Sheralee Dam Siding Dam Silica Hill Dam Simplex Hill Slate Dam Slippery Dam Snake Gully Dam Soda Well South Boulder South East Rocks South Gippsland Group South Kalgurlie Mine Spinifex Range Spud Flat Well Stairway Dam Steeple Hill Stoneville Stoney Dam Stumpy Dam Sudden Jerk Sudden Jerk Mine Swamp Dam Swan Lake Tank Dam Tank No. 1 Tank No. 3 Tank No. 4 Tank No. 5 Tank No. 6 Tank No. 7 Tank No. 8 Taurus Taurus Dam Taurus Gnamma Hole Tea Pot Dam Teddy Dam Telephone Dam Three Gates Dam Three Gates Well Three Gates Yard Three Gum Dam Top Swamp Town Dam Trafalgar Trans Dam Trap Rock Hill Twin Hills Dam Twin Tank Twin Tanks United Group Useless Dam Victory Dam Virgin Dam Wallaby Rocks Timber Reserve Wangalli Rockhole Wattle Dam Wellington Dam Wellington Mine White Dam White Feather Main Reefs Mine White Feather Reward Mine White Gate Dam Whitehead Dam Whitehead Find Mine Wiladdi Soak Wild Dog Dam Wild Dog Dams Willow Dam Wilson Dam Wilsons Tank Windy Dam Wombola Wombola Dam Wombola Mine Woods Dam Wyo Well X Tank Yallurnie Lake Yandanjerry Dam Yangan Hill Yangan Rockhole Yard Dam Yindarlgooda Yindi Yindi Dam Yindi Rock Yindi Woolshed Yowie Hill Yowie Rockhole Pinjin Well Four Mile Dam Whitehead Whitehead Find Whiteheads Find Pinnacles Eulinna Mulgarrie Jasper Hill Fourteen Mile Dam Six Mile Dam Half Way Hill Six Mile Well Mount McLeay Arrow Lake Twenty-two Mile Dam Six Mile Waterhole Penny Lake Five Mile Dam Four Mile Hill Six Mile Mine Jubilee Lake Lake Lapage Cooragooggine Lake Beerie Rockhole Parkeston Station Cumbulgera Gumbulgera Ten Mile Dam Mount Gledden Two Mile Dam Kamballie Yallurnie Waterhole Golden Ridge Station Six Mile Dams Number Forty-one Dam Juglan Rockhole Jumnania Jumnania Rockholes Randell Station Randalls Cardonia Rocks Goddarbie Napalgunia Creek Mount Monger Mount Munger Cowarna Sheehans