Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SI53-02

Streaky Bay
GA SI53-02 - Streaky Bay

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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Ceduna Streaky Bay Poochera Smoky Bay Wirrulla Haslam Eukarilia Well High Cliff Deep Well Doctors Beach Edrilpa Hopefield Coolgrana Flagstaff Landing Tank Cocunda Rockhole Frostvale Carawa Coralon Chillundie Beautiful Valley Tank Coolatie Well Eyre Monument Point Collinson Mudamuckla Railway Station Nunnyah Conservation Reserve Frampton Well Far West Aboriginal Sports Complex Fabian Well Alcannabie Well Laura Post Office Mount Jane Hope Downs Kio Koppa Tank Muddy Farms Marbra Moorkitabie Mount Pollard Dam Moodliga Dam Moyalta Parla Peak St Mary Well Pantoulbie Ponkatana Well Monseavu Malangarie Konkatana Well Weetara Underground Tank Wedina Tank Winditta Well Tarlton Sub-Station Yantanaby Railway Station Slab Hut Waranda Wells Alinga Park Wallaby Trig Wingara Tank Cape Bauer Trig Whichalby Hut Laura Bay Tank Madama Tank Marnview Cape D'Estees Whichelby Well Granite Rock Walpuntaby Tank Maltee Railway Station Karcultaby Area School Mackardi Ceduna Railway Station Schlink Station Nurka Hill Wallanippie Wells Arcadia Wandana Waterhole Waukalooriba Well Narlilby Columbo Tank Wilkalinsie Well Waulgie Well Warringa Wombali Well Well No 2 Yandra Hut Poochera Post Office Point Gibson Wirrulla Rockholes Far West Senior Citizens Village Cungena Daphne Rock Rocky Point Sams Tank Kensville Kaldoonera Tank Yanerby Hill Eagle Veiw Medlingie Hill Emerald Rise Colba Well McKenzie Ruins Leopold Hut Cap Ambroise-Pare Thomas Landing Caddeba Hill Yandra Well Penkimba Middle Well Wurla Wychelby Worsnap Camp Pemunary Well Yantanaby Well La Baleine Bimbadeen Bore Lone Oak Toorna Park Whistling Hill Crowharven Condooringie Hut Kattata Well Jack and Jills Hill Limestone Waterhole Courela Wangabina Chillundie Railway Station Chinbingina Railway Station Smooth Pool Gilligans Dam Low Point Mokulba Mudamuckla Hut Perlubie Hut Moorkitabie Well Thompson Well Acraman Creek Perlubie Wells Pinjarra Dam Catch Tank The Spit Black Hill Ceduna Area School White Well Schlink Landing Schebella Trig Connemara Surfers Beach Tonkin Oval Whichelby Hut Bucks Hut Well Toondulya Hut Inkster Perlubie Tank Karcultaby Homestead Coast View Tootla Whittelby Point Waulgie Tank Ceduna Old Primary School Site Pine Grove Twenty One Mile Well Waukubba Taranaki Merghiny Waterhole Columba Hut Old Courela School Cootama Hut Chercanabie Tank Denial Bay Tanks Flagstaff Bluff View Point Brown Chryslers Homestead Cudilba Tank Koppitucka Rockholes Koolgera Conservation Reserve Edleba Well Nunnyah Waterhole Moule Railway Station Merghiny Well Anse des Damiers Kulkala Tank Miltaburra Area School Wittelbee Point Winilippe Peak Streaky Bay Hospital Murat Bay District Hospital Kimbennie Poochera Hill Saddle Peak Point Courela Well Kongwirra Hill Wallala Rock Streaky Bay Aerodrome Pimbaacla Hill Poochera Tank Dunn Well Hawley Konomoola Ruins Eyre Waterhole Bird Rock Maryvale Merghiny Post Office Chiddedly Fairview Moyalta Hut Tuchinbingina Tank Walpuntaby Well Perlubie Beach Wirrulla Hill Puntabie Rockholes Point Westall Gliddon Reef Mount Younghusband Woodlawn Easter Monday Rockhole Rooland Ceduna Lutheran School Malangarie Well Yanerbie Hill Haslam Tank Cap Bon Fond Kuddleba Old Well The Cutting Kelray North Bank Nunjikompita Westall Chinbingina Hundred of Murray Hundred of Inkster Hundred of Campbell Hundred of Petina Poochera Rural School Perrigillie Hill Koppitucka Waterhole Hundred of Yantanabie Hundred of Bonython Hundred of Nunnyah Hundred of Moule Hundred of Hague Baie Lemonier Nuyts Archipelago Marine Park Lake Larson Narcultie Well County of Dufferin Pigface Island Conservation Park Eba Island Conservation Park Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park Mary Acraman Creek Conservation Park Little Islands Harbor of Streaky Bay Ile Eugene La Rembarde Edward Bay De Cres Bay Baie des Herissons Kirkala Chilpenunda School The Bald Hills Chilpanunda Hill-View One Tree Hill Poochera Railway Station Tjilpi Plains Maildaburra Piednippie Hall Lindarnoe Cape Bauer Yanerbie Hut Keelton Mad Bull Plains Waukaba Hut Franklin Islands Ile des Olives Edrilpa Wells McKenzie Mudamuckla Ile Richelieu Sceale Bay Karbingie Well Kottata Well Breakwater Island Karcultaby Pigface Island Yantanabie Eyre Island Tarkami Ile Cuvier Ceduna South Wandana Petina Perigilli Well Thevenard Post Office Dunn Hill Woodford Tank Cowell Hut Little Eyre Island Baie Vendome Poverty Flat Tank Le Postillon Bunyarra Bore Murat Bay Tank Goolata Well Benbutta Hut Chiddeda Hill Tiverleen Winilippee Peak The Inner Bay Cap des Mesanges Nuyts Archipelago Yanerbie Hundred of Haslam Hundred of Koolgera Speeds Point Cap Lavoisier Pointe des Bruans Nargultie Well Meeta Point Pouria Hut Mildooka Well Karcultaby Railway Station Freeman Shed Oak Hill Maylands Piednippie Well Kildalton Yandra Mount Maria Wallaby Hill Tootla Well Iron Hut The Granites Petina Post Office Conby Tank Ceduna Post Office Pimbaacla Tank Bar 8 Penbutta Hut Perigillie Well Mildooka Puntabie Railway Station Simounds Beach Eulaby Rockhole Challner Well Iles St Pierre Gascoigne Bay Bosanquet Bay Nunora Chillundie Well Winilippe West Fairway Beacon Isles of St Peter Pimbawa New Benbarber Well Toondulya Hill Parraba Moorcitabie Well Roo-Land-Glen Ilkina Tank Kalbrae Cap Thevenard Coolala Rockhole Pudrielpa Wells Karkara Tank Corner Chillundie Waterhole MacBrae Medlingie Ulibbie Maltee Post Office Pureba Conservation Reserve Wirrulla Railway Station Streaky Bay Police Station Kaldoonera Plain Sceale Bay Conservation Park Kooeyanna St Mary Bay Baie des Charpentiers Koppitucka Well Waverley Well Depot Tank Wallala Hill Hundred of Guthrie Hundred of Wallanippie Yallumbingie Coolibah Condooringie Well Waurkagie Well Moores Landing Plum Puddin Hill Nunnyah Park Hill View Miltaburra Tank Winilippee West Toondulya Well Murraminga Hut Old Cungena Cap Sully Moodlica Tank Chuttinutta Dry Well Aldergrove Mons Tank Moorkitabie Sub-Station Yanerby Well Wondoma Well Columba Tank Moorcitabie Back Beach Nurka Hill Trig Slab Hut Well Eyre Peninsula Community College of TAFE Wheatshed Tank Hawks Nest Ceduna Police Station Melingie Mulgunyah Moodlica Dam Kambala Tank Moolgerie Koppi-Tucka Driscoll Bore Chandada Railway Station Maybe Well Diamond-Tee Waranda Waulgie Hut Chercanabie Well Yanerbie Beach Thevenard Baudin Kuddleba Hut Cap Forbin Anse aux Lezards Alberginie Cambry Tank Harbor of Thevenard Baie des Pangolins Baie Murat Nunjikompita Rural School Piednippie Eba Anchorage Hundred of Cungena Windippy Wells Wandana Railway Station Wiabuna Fry Well Koolangatta Pikabela Well Johnson Oval Jessey Well McKenzie Landing Kara-Pine Old Bucks Hut Well Long Rockhole Kaldietha Cap Corvisart Watchbrea Perlubie Hill Yantanabie Well Tootla Post Office Chinamans Hut Willora Streaky Bay Post Office Wallala Cape Thevenard Whichelby Denial Bay Post Office Yanera Laura Bay Shed Inkster Post Office Yantanabie Railway Station Wattle Hill Yanerbie Well Clearview Stud Perrigillie Well Yundra Well Chandana Well County of Robinson Makitabee Well Chandada Post Office Moodlica Well Nunnyah Rockhole Laura Bay Conservation Reserve Blancheport Harbor Ram Well Corvisart Bay Carmen Reef St Peter Island Wobana Well Warkaba Hut Murat Bay Aboriginal Land Glenoak Cooeyana Hut Moule Kapindie Well Pollilia Well Pimbaacla Post Office Streaky Bay Area School Wexford Fishing Boat Harbor Baie Jean-Bart Carawa Wells Yalabringie Streaky Bay Lighthouse Perlubie Water Baie du Passage Poverty Flat Pilleroo Tanks Wadabie Well Perigilli Tank Konkabinna Well Far West Basketball Ball Stadium Kondaloobra Well Perlubie Shed Ceduna Tank Courela Tank Wedina Hill Nunjikompita Railway Station Vivonne Pine Tank Ilkina Dam Colpa Waverley Hill Chilpinunda Cape Vivonne Wurkagie Well Windippy Hill Caratinabie Kuddleba Tank Miltaburra Perlubie Hill Trig Kiffin Island Flinders Felchillo Denial Bay Wirrindella Hill Cape Wondoma Point Dillon Marne Tank Lynch Well Toondulya Pile Nunjikompita Well Moodliga Well Karawingi Park Pointe du Serpent Hundred of Tarlton Hundred of Blacker Ceduna Aboriginal Land Target Point Wirrindella Well Windippy Hut Cap Dubouchage Beautiful Valley Tank No 2 Coolala Hut Condada Hill Chidedly Death Valley Kooma Port Thevenard Parla Tank Wombali Waterholes The White Sands of Yanerbie Chilpenunda Well Eba Island Goburra Tank Burrong Hundred of Chillundie Hundred of Wandana Olive Island Conservation Park Toondulya Water Blanche Port Anse Decres Cungena School Pointe de la Cigogne Hundred of Moorkitabie Sunshine Carib Toondulya Tank Purdilla Well Pimbaacla Hut Mudamuckla Tank Cooeyana Well Cap Vivonne Kaldoonera Hill Old Kamballa Tank Mudamuckla Well Kulkala Well Perforated Rocks Sponge Rocks South Streaky Trig Cungena Post Office Cuddaba Well Warburton Channel Yanerby Smoky Bay Post Office Chandada Homestead Cooeyanna Well Maryvale Well Carawa Landing Cap Fernel Illalangi Courela Telephone Office Yandra Tank Cape Missiessy Murat Bay and District Bowling Club Wallanippe Wells Ilkina Hill Kangala Tanks Ilkina Yard Toondulya Bluff Wallanippie Marnview Stud Cartwheel Corner Chinbingina Tank Cungena Railway Station Benavon Chilpenunda Station Nunnyah Water Moores Augusta Harbor La Rambarde Goat Island Winilippe East Moryalta Yantana Well Streaky Bay Highway Baie des Saints Cap Laplace Haslam Jetty Wedina Well Puntoulbie Murraminga Lonsdale Eukarelia Well Three Day Bore Sponge Rocks North Waulgie Dashwood Channel Perlubie Flagstaff Corner Wallala Rock Tanks Red Flat Bore Yanibbie Camilla Oak Valley Oakleigh Chikola Well Far West Aboriginal Progress Association Haslam Trig Saddle Peak Moores Shute Eyre College of TAFE Juba Well Worsnop Camp Wirrulla Special Rural School Port Blanche Wallgrove Wittelby Point Toorna Hut Portreath Bauer Trig The Devils Playground Yatala Channel Benbutta Conglima Plain Freeman Tank Whichalby Well Colba Sub Station Challner Forrest Glen Goalen Rocks Wulgie Well Cowell Well Cap Beaufort Wallanippie Tank Cumbray Petina Well Pointe Defies-Vous-eEn Trial Well Moyalta Well Murat Bay Post Office Round Well Round Rockhole Flinders Highway The Dreadnoughts Coolee Coolangatta Pureba Conservation Park Koolgera Conservation Park Pointe Aux Seiches Wittelbee Conservation Park Baie Treville Maltee Baie Louis Iles Josephine Olive Island Laura Bay Conservation Park Kaldoonera Permunary Well Blair Well Soldiers Memorial Park South Sand Hundred of Walpuppie Wedina Hundred of Karcultaby Hundred of Perlubie Seaview Cullanara Well Eleni K Shipwreck Oakvale Petina Tank Pines Way Toorna Well Pouira Hut Pine Hill Tarkani Capietha Railway Station Nylor Park Chilpenunda Madomma Wirrambie Kulkala Paddys Plain Cap D'Estrees Wirrulla Rock Koolgera Hut Pointe Sans Eau Conglima Blue Hills Wirrina Well Winilippee East Cape Beaufort Parla-Peak Baysview Speed Point Wallanippe Tank Half-Way Camp Keeley Beach Walpuppie The Bushes Kirkala Well Point Lindsay Karkara Tank Merghiny Corner Micotopingie Well Cootama Well Rock Hut Well Mount Westall Ile de Opossums Challner Hut Benbutter Wilkalingie Murrominga Rockholes Kondoolka Well Middle Tank Haslam Special Rural School Bucks Hut Kangala Well Nyalls Well Toorna Tank Waukalooriba Lilliput Island Nargultie Tank Rain Shed Tank Dashwood Rock Pointe du Relai Koolgera Laura Bay Hundred of Wallala Hundred of Forrest Caratoola Recreation Park Thevenard Railway Station H B Reserve Glenacres Waverley Dam Chideda Hill Jessey Dam Benbarber Tank Eulabie Rocks Round Point Parraba Well Flinders Reef Cowell Tank Coolata Well Parla Dam Nargultie Tjilipi Plains Tootla Tank Carawa Jetty Point De Mole Woolshed Catch The White Sands of Yanerby Deep Well Tank Ceduna Airport Chickola Well Matts Point Jessies Flat Old Spoil Ground Murat Bay Maybie Well Ayre Island Schebella Well Wallanippie Trig Ance des Eperlans Tundulya Water Oyster Spit Oak Vale Puntabie Tank Cape D'Estrees Camon Well Duck Ponds Mikotapingie Well Wirrulla Tank Tia Tuckia South Channel Shag Point Eyre Peninsula College of TAFE Madabonna Hut Baie Corvisart Windapa Hill Puntabie Hundred of Scott Myrtle Farm Pimbaacla Poochera Primary School Pouira Tank Hundred of Ripon Mudamuckla Preschool Centre Numjikompita Radio Communications Tower Choontana Well Chercanabie Hut Konkabinna Tank Chinbingina Post Office Murraminga Tank Merghiny Tank Sandhill Well Flagstaff Landing Old Lambing Paddock Well Denial Trig Colmar Perigilli Bore Denial Bay Hall Flagstaff Landing Post Office Beautiful Valley Railway Station Horse Well Mayland Reston Park Lupina Downs Windmill Point Moodlika Dam Corrong Courelam Piednippie Hut Kangala Hut Mac Brae Inkster Telephone Office Chilbona Plain Benbarber Well Gibson Peninsula Shallow Wells Capietha Decres Bay Huia Park Homestead Chandler Hill Emeego Chilpenudla Well Leopold Tank Madama Well Waterwitch Channel Smoke House Bay Bob Bay West Wood The Follies Medlingie Hut Coondolea Leopold Shed Blefuscu Island Wittelbee National Park Nuyts Archipelago Conservation Park Boundary Well Smoky Bay Hill Chandada Well Cranbry Tank Crawford Landing Ceduna Courthouse Pointe des Sucets Hundred of Carawa The Hague Hundred of Finlayson Hundred of Chandada The Pup Hut Kooran Park Yarima Tank Gawler View Bayview Streaky Bay Pumping Station Old Parraba Station Nargultie Hut Piednippie Tank Lenamar Perigilh Well Pimbaacla Railway Station Merghiny Anse Suffren Nadia Chandada Waverly Hill Waranda Well Eagle View Cape DEstrees Cape DEstree Saint Peter Island Ile Egene Saint Peters Island Middle Tanks Eyres Island Weetara Tank Wirrula Rocks Tanks Dillon Point Saint Mary Bay Brown Point Chilpanunda Tank Perlubie Well South Bank Cape Wandoma Olives Island Mount Maria Tank Alcannable Well The Dreadnaughts Eukarelie Well Sceales Bay