This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Wonare River Wonari River Wonare Bay Wakioka River Wajama Inlet Wailou River Wai-Ioa River Wai-Iou River Waijug Mount Victory Keraroa Veale Reef Uwe River Uwe Creek Uwe Uue Utukwafu Utukwaf Bay Uramanoa Bay Urumanoa Bay Uiaku River UI'aku River Uaiku Creek Uiaku Ui-aku Mission Tumina Tumari Tufi Village Tufi Harbour Tufi TFI Tremina Creek Mount Trafalgar Iamiwara Topographers Range The Thumb Teniaru Bay Teniaru Mount Temeraire Muruwe Tamari River Tamari Bay Tainabuna Stewart Reefs Stella Island Siu Sinipara Island Hardy Island Sinapara Island Sinepara Sinei Sinefada Point Sinapa Point Sinapa Island Simumu Simoro Bay Sesegara River Sefoa Sefoa Mission Sepoa Mission Sarad Mission Wanigela Mission Weniggia Rukapa Lake Ridubidubina Rainu Raboda Creek Rabadi Porlock Harbour Portock Harbour Porlock Bay Ponjari Point Pojari Point Polaris Point Penari Oumo Bay Lake Oumo Oula Creek Orotoaba Oreresan Orersan Onare Island Okeia Point Noukwate Kaibi Naukwate Nelson Range Natukwaba Naniu Mission Nania Mission Naniu Island Nania Island Lake Mogana Marasa Managa Mamadaborg Mafuia Maclaren Harbour Kofulu Harbour Macharen Harbour Lilioa Kwin Rest House Kwave Kwapulina Bay Kwafalina Bay Kwapulina Kuruaku Kuririka Kupari Point Sefoa Point Koruwe Koreaf Kopwei River Konedobu Konara River Koje Kikita Keppel Point Katokato Kasiawa Karimoa Bay Kaparura Kaparuru Kanimeno Point Collinson Point Kaninend Point Kanawetu Kanaweto Wanigela AGL Kamabun Komabun Kafera Creek Kabuni Kabubu Kabiabuna Creek Jones Reef Jikuataia Jebo Iubadi Iu-ai-u River Iu-ai-iu River Yuaiyai Creek Iu-ai-u Iu-ai-iu Uaiku Itoto Point Itoto Creek Itoto Itonomata Ilamororo Ilamaroro Ibura Bay Iba Bay Iagirua Port Hennessy Beribona Bay Hardy Point Ham Reef Hall Point Mount Hall Greaves Reef Goia River Gobe Giriwa Gigori Gavida Garrandibut Cecilia Island Ganjiga Gonjige Fuar Founa Fofoma Fona Pofoma Fonibaru Foduma Feiaba Bay Dibou River Curtis Reef Collingwood Bay Codys Point Tamina Point Tomino Point Butu Point Mount Britannia Mount Brittania Boyina Creek Bonando River Bonando Point Bonando Berubona 2 Berubona Number 2 Berubona Mission Beribona Beribona Mission Berubona Number 1 Berubona Creek Beribona Creek Beri Bay Bekoiana Bei-iata Bai'ata Baiata Bauwame Barabara Bambiti Baga Awainena Creek Awainena Bay Aruoa Bay Araupa Island Aruapa Island Anina River Angorogo Anasari Harbour Anasuri Harbour Anara River Amuioan Amiuan Bay Amuian Bay Biteabout Harbour Lake Ako Lake Aku Ako Aku Ajova River Ilia River Ajova Creek Afati Bay Tufi Airport AYTU Wanigela Airport AYWG