This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Sunken Barrier Reef Yawa Point Wela Waui Wasima Island Wara-Nibonanadi Wara-nibonandi Walu-Ulu Ulu Vehi Island Wedge Island Wehi Island Weni Island Tree Point Tauwalhia Bay Taubeubeu Point Tanania Suwen River Susuwoyo Island Suau Island Stacey Island Suau Isudau Stapleton Patches South Cape Smith Patch Sibalai Ship Patches Seu Seu Islet Seboy Seasea Mission Mount Savarara Savalala Savaia Samarai District Sagasagari Island Sagaaho River Sagaaho Saga'aho Roux Islands Roux Island Gumoti Island Rou Rou Rae Patches Paupaa Opea Island Oiomamania Oi Oi Ma Nianiau Point Mount Nelson Nauabu Nauabu Mission Navabu Nalinalae Monoli Point Momore Range Momoni Island Momon Island Monono Island Moi E Lawa Bay Moiloa Bay Mogiliu Point Maugiliou Point Modewa River Modeima River Modeiwa River Yaraama River Modewa Bay Modeiwa Bay Modewa Modeiwa Mission Modewa Mission Milne Bay Province Milne Bay Mila Marri Pass Mara-Mara Loua Point Leyama Point Lelebada Lele Leileiape Leileiafa Leleiafa Lawes Bay Lalaita Peak Koia Yama Yama Island Oiama Aiama Island Koia Kawasi Koiabakura Kei-Eiwa Island Kabu Usu Usu Island Iu Mountain Cape Itihi Cape Itina Isu Maragali Point Isu Maragiti Isu Mai I U Point Isuleilei Point Isuisu Plantation Isuisu Isu Diu Diu Isuai Ipulai Iloilo Bay Iloilo Iguari Kiu Kiu Honla Mission Honla Harikoia Island Barikoia Island Hadahada Guna Isu Rugged Head Mount Gugu Sari Cloudy Mountain Cloudy Mountains Guaugurina Gogo Oi Oima Gegoasi Geduna Islet Geduna Island Gara River Gado-Gadoa Bilobiloabahalina Island Fife Bay Fyfe Bay Farm Peak Eabiha River Dui Dui Hani Dui Dui Bani Island Dubaguri Bay Arotau Lagoon Dituna Point Diborina Delina Deirina Island Delina Island Leocadie Dari-Momo Island Dagwa Isu Point Cawston Rock Cardale Rock Bunaeba Island Brumer Islands Mount Bramble Mount Brainble Boutai Point Bouta Point Bonarua Tau Tau Pusuri Island Bonarua-tau-tau-pusuri Bonarua Mount Bitutu Bitutu Mountain Bira Bira Bay Eira Bira Bay Inveraray Bay Baxter Harbour Farm Bay Baibesika Igoigoli Island Baibaisiga Island Baibesiga Island Baibesika Island Baidesika Island Tissot Island Baia Baia Una Mountains Mount Baia Baia Una Baia baia una Mountain Badila Bedda Bedda Bonarua Island Badila Bedda Bonarua Badila-bedda-bedda bonarua West Brumer Island Western Brumer Island Ana Augu Dana Ahana Rock Dirogani Bay Bwana Bwano Tau Island Lawes College Elewa Baiawai Dau Brummer Island