Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 9076

GA 9076 - Samarai
Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Yama Reef Yabalawauna Bay Wiwiyai Bay White Point West Channel Weku Una Wekouna Rock Weku Sinibu Rock Wekouna Reef Weitoa Island Buiari Island Bwiari Island O Neil O'Neill Island ONeill Island Mount Weia-Dubi Weia-dubi Wanahaua Wakoiaia Waiyau Bay Waga Tu Tuna Bay Tuyam Islet Tuyam Island Tobu Tobu Island Tobai Point Tegorauna Mission Tautowatowolo Point Tautowatowola Point Werka Kata Keia Tau Hana Gana Tanabuibuina Bay Tanobuibuina Bay Tabuara Tabuala Sugu Tusi Sugu tusi Rock Suahia Bay Sisinoli Point Siriki Shoals Simagahi Silisimai Point Siro siro mai Sidudu Sideia Island Basilisk Island Sideia Siasialina Passage Shellard Ridge Sawa Sawaga Rocky Pass Saw Sawaga Sawasawaga Passage Sauasauaga Sariba Island Hayter Island Sapikunuri Cocoa Nut Rock Coconut Rock Samarai Island Dinner Island Samarai Samarar Samaria Sabuiona Rogeia Pata Bay Logepwata Bay Rogeia Island Heath Island Rogea Island Rika Rika Island Rat Islet Rat Island Sekuku Island Possession Bay Nawaripa Bay Populai Island Margaret Island Pawapawi Paka Point Oba Bay Sukuri Bay Neula Babaeiahi Point Neula Badaeiahi Point Negro Head Nasa Rua Rua Nasariri Island Beehive Island Nasa Pei Pei Namoai Bay Wanatonoli Bay Mudge Bay Hemoe Bay Semoin Bay Mekinley Island West Iguari Island West Igwali Island Manu Pisina Rocks Makabweabweau Magesina Magalkalona Maga Ikarona Bay Magaikalona Bay Stanley Bay Madagowa Lolo Siwa Siwoi Loani LNQ Loani Mission Lipelipeyai Bay Liliki Lesimano Island Brewer Island Lessamanu Island Lelena Reef Leipla Lebrun Islands Lamalamawai Point Labu Labu Bay Rabu-rabu Bay Labu Labu Kwiaro Bay Kwaui Islet Button Island Kwaui Island Kwauia Island Kwato Island Kwato Eina Kaba Kwasi Kwato Kwato Mission Kwalosai Kwai Ama Kwaiam Peninsula Point Kwabunamoa Bay Kunubalia Kumikuku Kubi Point Kubi Koya Gaugau Point Mount Kopaki Mount Kipoki Koia Reiba Reiba Koru Reiba Reiba Island Kobuwawa Bay Kiapara Kemtai Kentai Islet Kelagalaga Point Kaura Point Kasabanalua Kana Waneipa Kalu Kalamadau Kai Rau Rau Uai Island Kabokaloai Bay Kabakabaleina Point Kaba Eru Eru Kabu Eru Eru Jenkins Bay Liliki Bay Niu niu ridikwa Bay Ito Island Wanepa Island Isu Na Daga Dagai Wari Isulailai Point Isu Matumataiara Isu Hina Isu Bobo Isubobo Island Ilei Island Castori Iguari Islands Ibatitonea Point Mount Iarihau Iari hau Hoop-Iron Bay Haraharau Bay Hiniuda Point Hilomai Heath Patches Hatuno Hatuna Hamoma Bay Hamona Bay Hamama Halu Bai Rawa Rock Mount Gwalabu Kopaki Mount Gualabu Mount Guarabu Gull Patch Cull Patch Gugui Guaugurina Bay Guara Kaba Omana Goteia Gotai Goodman Point Gona Bara Bara Goilawalika Gogolabia Gogoali Bay Gesila Island Coast Island Gelahamutuna Garahi Island Galahi Island Head Island Gaiogaiokawasi Gadogadoa Island Gado gado Gadogadoa Godagadoa Foul Bay Fortesque Strait Fortescue Strait Kalamadaua Pass Kawana Madowa Forbes Shoals Fairfax Ridge Eboma Island Ebuma Island Middle Island East Iguari Island East Igwali Island Iguari Island Igwali Island Paples Island East Channel Dumoulin Islands Dumonlin Islands Duiauna Dorasi Shoal Doini Island Blanchard Island Dogigi Island Dinana Island Carrie Island Carry Island Didigilo Island Didigili Island West Island Dei Rena Deika Deika Deka Deka Island Dahalali Point Dagadagabonalua Daga daga bonarua Dagadaga Dabali China Strait China Rock Waga Tari Challis Head Magai-deibana Castori Islets Castori Islands Brooke Banks Mount Bossim Bosim Point Bonarua Hili Hili Bonaloahilihili Island Bona Rua Dai Daiwa Bolibolie Bay Hiliwa dara Bay Boikalakalawa Bay Bogala Bilo Bilolo Shoals Bilo Bilolo Rock Mount Bilo Bilolo Mount Haines Beuli Point Belesana Slipway Beika Island Bead Island Basilaki Island Moresby Island Banaria Bay Bonalia Bay Balaga Bay Baiiri Island Baiaule Baia Baia Karona Bagamoti Island Baga-moti Arch Islands Ana Karu Karua Jones Patch Quilty Patch Hewoli Point Mount Tuliluli Rocky Islet Doini DOI China Straits SQT