Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

NSW 8232

NSW 8232 - Gindoono

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Publisher:New South Wales Government
Latitude Range:32° 30.0' S - 33° 00.0' S
Longitude Range:146° 30.0' E - 147° 0.0' E
Datum:GDA 94
Approx Print Size:0.56m X 0.56m
Publication Date:2013
Coverage Note:Please note that State produced Topographic Maps do not show detail outside of that States border.

This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Locations within this Map

Glenkerry Maroonbah Marranoonbah Majura Mumble Creek Vermont Hill Rosedale Springfield Fountain Dale Gundamere Wirrinun The Oaks Gonawyle Colindale Melrose Pinnacle Moonaculla Kereing Hill Eulendool Arundel Carinya Palistan Booloor Flamingo Tullinga Dunlop Roma Gilgais Wheataker Kooranjie Mayfield Rosevale Bimbella West Derrida Kinglieth Bimbella Scrublands New South Wales Boggy Creek Broken Range State Forest Vermont Hill State Forest Woggoon Nature Reserve Tollingo Nature Reserve Black Range Tank Mckenzies Tank Browns Tank Mombil Tank Bobadah Tank Connellys Dam Coobaguthrie Tank Boona Tank Kalinga Morrow Rawsthorne Beauport Marobee East Tallebung Urambie East Warrabillong Scollys Tank Oxley South Tinda Gindoono Willama Mamre Julandery Tollingo Greenock Mount Nobby Palisthan Mount Nobby State Forest Barratta Tank Stoney Hill Mombill Tank Gleninga Teran Creek Mineral Hill Mount Susannah Tinda Mountain Mount Tinda Lake Nicholls Kering Hill Tinda Creek Woolshed Hill The Three Peaks Dry Creek Mount Tallebong Mount Tallebung Palisthon Willuna Tank Crowie Creek Morumbil Swamp