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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Primary Industries, part of the Tasmanian Government.
These maps are an important resource for Government, industry, and the public. They are used for environmental and emergency management, farm planning and mineral exploration. They are also popular for recreational users such as bushwalkers, mountain bike and horse riders.
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At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Ashby Chiswick Ellinthorp Frankston Williamwood Roseneath Verwood Ellensworth Horton Somercotes Ferndale Wetmore Lochiel Annandale Cheam Melrose Fasifern Ballochmyle Woodbury House Lowes Park Kuranda Glen Morey Ratharney Rockwood The Braes Serat Middle Park Brooklands Sorell Springs Springfield Terowie Largo Green View Rockton Cooinda The Gables Mt Pleasant House Hillcrest The Quoin Bowhill Glenview Pheverton Fernleigh Daisymead St Peters Pass Rockville Kellows Woodburn Rotherwood Waverley Wallace Drayton Weedington Braeside Attewatta Merrivale Tryhard Waverley Lodge Anstey Barton Leithwalk Mentone Spring Valley Belle Vue Dalkeith Treveen Verwyn Pleasant Park Cremorne Dennistoun Pleasant Place Glastonbury Lemon Springs Lemon Hill Oshea Hilly Park Lilliesleaf Sunnyside Lowick Ashgrove Nant Woodspring Lynwood Merris Tregothan Fernhurst Austral Park Thorpe Norwood Glenmore Rosehill Northumbria Huntworth Phernly Grantham Hinside Glen Iris Sandhill Brooklyn Grove House Park Farm Springvale Ceres Castle View Denbury Strathbarton Hutton Park Bowsden Tranquillity Stonor House Lint Hill Woodville Crichton Wetherton Parki Denholm Spring Hill Ellesmere The View Conmurra Rosebank Chudleigh The Cape Landridge Moorlands Tedworth Lochside Lake View Bisdee Riaweena Woodbanks Rose Hill Wyella Lovely Banks Redside Ringwood Sunbury Lake House Wattle Hill Eaglehawk Yarra Wonga Woodlands Charlton Park Wangalea Summerhill Parkville Hobbs Bluff Kelvin Grove Stockman The Follies Llangollan Darlington The Springs Dingle Dell High Peak Belgrave Castle Hill Passchendale Bothwell Oatlands Ross Parattah Aarons Creek Abbotts Creek Abbotts Hill Agnews Creek Agnews Marsh Allround Hill Alma Pass Alma Tier Alma Tier Nature Reserve Alum Springs Hill Andover Andrews Bay Andrews Bridge Antill Ponds Apsley Double Rock Point Downs Creek Duck Bay Dulverton Rivulet Dunns Battery Eagle Gully Eaglehawk Gully Eastern Shore Back Forest Tier Bacons Bay Baden Badger Spur Badgers Marsh Bag Hut Creek Baileys Point Bar Lagoon Barrs Hill Barwicks Hill Basin Hill Basin Sugarloaf Bayles Creek Beaver Hill Beddingdown Hill Bedlam Walls Belles Creek Belles Marsh Bellevue Hill Bells Lagoon Belmont Hill Ben Browns Hill Bens Creek Big Enfield Big Flinty Big Run Tier Big White Hill Billygoat Hill Bisdee Creek Bisdee Tier Bishton Creek Black Bridge Black Marsh Black Marys Hill Black Point Black Snake Creek Black Snake Marsh Black Tier Blackman River Blowfly Island Blue Gate Marsh Blue Hills Blyths Bridge Boathouse Shore Boggy Marsh Boomer Hill Boring Creek Bow Hill Bowermans Sugarloaf Bowling Green Marsh Bowsden Hill Bradys Cave Bradys Pass Brents Lagoon Brents Sugarloaf Brocks Marsh Brown Hill Brown Hills Brownwater Lagoon Bryans Creek Bucks Marsh Bullys Marsh Burburys Hill Burdetts Flat Burnt Log Gully Burnt Marsh Burying Ground Hill Bushrangers Creek Butlers Rise Callington Mill Historic Site Chimney Hill Chinas Hill Chock n Log Gully Clarks Lagoon Clear Hill Clyde Marsh Coal Hills Coal Mine Hill Coal River Coal River Gorge Coal River Gorge Nature Reserve Coalmine Creek Coffin Gully Coldblow Hill College Hill Cooks Marsh Cornwallis Creek Cradle Hill Cross Marsh Creek Crows Nest Currajong Hills Currajong Rivulet Curzon Hill Dago Point Dead Mans Hill Den Hill Dennistoun Plain Devils Throat Diamond Beach Dinner Marsh Dogs Head Dogs Head Creek Dogs Head Tier Donnybrook Rivulet Elbow Lagoon Eldon Ellinthorp Plains Espies Hills Exe Rivulet Exe Sugarloaf Exminister Ridge Fattening Paddock Creek Ferndale Creek Fernleigh Hill Ferny Hills First Point Flag Hill Flat Iron Hill Flat Top Tier Floods Creek Flynns Flat Folly Lagoon Fordell Creek Fordell Marsh Forest Lagoon Forest Marsh Franks Run Hill Freds Point Freestone Hill Frog Hill Front Springs Hill Grass Hut Rivulet Grassy Point Green Hill Green Hill Rivulet Green Spur Green Timbers Greens Creek Greggs Ridge Grimes Lagoon Grimes Sugarloaf Gangways Creek Gaol Hill Gards Gully Gavins Sugarloaf Gavins Tier Gilwell Peak Glen Morey Saltpan Glenmore Sugarloaf Glenview Sugarloaf Good Marsh Gullivers Hills Gullivers Lagoon Halfmoon Marsh Halfmoon Tier Handsome Hill Handsome Marsh Handsome Sugarloaf Hanging Sugarloaf Harrisons Lookout Hatchery Shore Hawthorn Bay Hazelwoods Lagoon Headlam Top Hilly Goon Hollowtree Bottom Home Run Hill Hooks Marsh Hoopers Gully Horse Hill Horton Hill Howells Hill Hungry Flats Hunters Swamp Hunters Swamp Creek Huntworth Creek Hurricane Opening Hut Run Hill Ibbottvale Creek Inchies Gully Interlaken Ironpot Gully Ironpot Gully Nature Reserve Ironpot Hill Jacks Point Jacksons Scrub Jemmys Marsh Jericho Jerries Hill Jinks Lookout Joes Creek Jones Point Jordan River Kemps Bay Kemps Flat Kemps Marsh Kermodes Bay Kermodes Drain Kitchener Ridge Knights Marsh Knights Point Knob Hill Knobby Ridge Lagoon Hill Lagoon Plain Lake Crescent Lake Dulverton Lake Dulverton Conservation Area Lake Sorell Lake Tiberias Lake Tiberias Game Reserve Lakeside Island Langdon Hill Legs o Man Flat Leithwalk Hills Lightwood Creek Lightwood Hill Limekiln Spur Little Den Creek Little Den Hill Little Enfield Little Flinty Little Horse Hill Little Jones Lookout Little Lagoon Little Run Hill Little White Hill Long Arm Spur Longs Lagoon Lower Marshes Mackies Hill Macs Rock Mahers Point Mansion Hill Marmions Hill Marys Island McGhies Gully Meaghers Bay Melton Mowbray Memorial Hill Micks Creek Mike Howes Lookout Mike Howes Marsh Mill Brook Mill Point Mona Vale Saltpan Mona Vale Siding Mongos Spur Monks Sugarloaf Moodys Hill Mother Browns Bottom Mother Lords Hill Mount Anstey Mount Franklin Mount Mercer Mount Penny Mount Pleasant Mount Serat Mount Seymour Mountain Creek Mrs Teddys Lagoons Munros Hill Murdochs Point Murphys Dome Murrays Sugarloaf Nala Nannygoat Hill Near Lagoon Neils Hill Nessie Rise Netting Creek Northumbria Hill Northumbria Marsh Notuck Hill Oak Hill Oakden Hill Oatlands Golf Course O'Connors Sheepwash Old Mans Head Old Womans Head One Mile Hill Paddys Hill Paddys Marsh Pages Tier Paradise Hill Parattah Creek Pass Creek Pat Maguires Hill Pawtella Petherton Creek Pig Farm Hill Pikes Hill Pitcairns Marsh Point Of Chillon Powells Bay Pump Lagoons Queens Park Quoin Pinnacles Rabbit Hill Racecourse Marsh Ram Paddock Hill Ransleys Creek Ratharney Rivulet Red Ridge Red Rocks Gully Red Sugarloaf Reedy Lagoon Rhyndaston Rifle Range Hill Ringwood Creek Ringwood Hill Robert Hill Robertsons Bay Robertsons Marsh Rockton Sugarloaf Rockwood Hill Ropewalk Flat Rose Hill Creek Ross Female Convict Station His ... Rotherwood Lagoon Rough Hill Rough Hills Round Lagoon Round Marsh Rumneys Creek Rung Hill Sag Hill Saltpan Plains Sandbank Shore Sandhill Spur Sandy Toms Rocks Sarahs Waterfall Sawpit Gully Sawpit Hill Sawyers Ridge Scouts Beach Scrummys Marsh Scrummys Marsh Creek Serpentine Valley Creek She Oak Ridge Shepherds Shore Sheridans Corner Shiners Hill Silo Lagoon Silver Plains Silver Plains Creek Simons Park Slaters Hill Snobs Point Soldiers Marsh Hill Southern Midlands Council Spinning Gum Conservation Area Splitters Marsh Spring Hill Creek Spring Hill Tier Spring Peak Squares Marsh St Georges Island St Peters Dome Stags Head Steeles Bluff Stockyards Rise Stone Wall Hill Stonor Stonor Creek Stony Hut Creek Stony Sugarloaf Stringy Bark Rivulet Stumps Hill Stumpys Bottom Sugarloaf Spur Summerfield Creek Sunbury Ridge Sweet Flat Sydenham Hill Table Mountain Table Mountain Conservation Area Table Mountain Shore Tacky Creek Tea-Tree Point Tea-Tree Swamp Tent Marsh The Nipples Third Hill Tiberias Ticknells Hill Tiger Cat Gully Tiger Rise Tiger Rise Conservation Area Tiger Spur Tin Dish Rivulet Tin Hut Hill Tods Hill Tomb Hill Toms Hill Township Lagoon Township Lagoon Nature Reserve Tramline Flats Triffitt Point Tunbridge Tunbridge Tier Tunbridge Tier Conservation Area Tunnack Twelve O'Clock Hill Verwood Forest Vicarys Creek Vincents Hill Waterfall Spur Weedings Hill Weedings Lagoons Weedy Lagoon Wetheron Tier White Hill White Kangaroo Hill White Kopje White Lagoon Whites Flat Wild Hops Hill Wild Pig Tier Woodbine Hill Woodbury Woodford Plain Woods Lake Dam Woods Quoin Woodspring Lagoon Wylies Hill York Plains Young Mans Head Aarons Marsh Alice Dam Annie Annie Bay Austral Park Dam Back White Hill Baden Rivulet Bridge Bald Hill Barbara Ridge Bayford Belles Hill Big Bay Big Sugarloaf Black Georges Marsh Blackman Front Hill Blackman River Bridge South Blackwood Creek Bretts Hill Bundles Beacon Burnt House Hill Bushrangers Gully Ceres Dam Charlies Boot Chestermans Bumph Cleared Hill Clyde River Bridge Coal Hill Coal River Bridge Cobbs Tier Cockpit Plains Cradle Marsh Creek Hill Curzon Downs Den Hill Forest Reserve Ellesmere Dam Flinty Bottom Flinty Marsh Fourteen Tree Plain Galleon Gordon Valley Green Sugarloaf Greens Flat Ickle Hill Jemmys Back Jericho Bridge Jerrys Hill Junction Creek Lagoon Tier Landslide Hill Limekiln Hill Little Den Creek Bridge Loch Lodge Long Hill Long Marsh Lovely Banks Bridge Macquarie River Bridge Mercer Telephone Office Mollies Bonnet Mount Ann Muddy Creek Murderers Plain Old Bailey Old Blackman River Bridge Pass Creek Bridge Pickerings Pimple Pub Corner Quoin Rivulet Bridge Rainbow Rock Red Rock Creek Remarkable Gorge Robertsons Marsh Conservation Area Ross Bridge Rough Shore Round Hill Sand Hill Scrubby Hill Serpentine Valley Sharmans Corner She Oak Hill Sheepwash Flat Single Hill Snake Gully Spion Kop Spring Hill Bottom St Marys Well Stringy Bark Gully Tacky Bridge The Bitters The Duckholes The Glebe The Island The Nook The Pinnacles The Point The Rocks The Saddle The Sand The Slack Tin Mine Gully White Spur Tasmania State of Tasmania Van Diemens Land Ross Female Convict Station Historic Site Gavin Creek Green Creek Badger Hill Tod Hill Mona Vale Lake Sorrel Curryjong Rivulet Flood Creek York Rivulet Old Man Head Vincent Hill Pike Hill Apsiey Apsley Station Aspley Quoin Rivulet