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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Primary Industries, part of the Tasmanian Government.
These maps are an important resource for Government, industry, and the public. They are used for environmental and emergency management, farm planning and mineral exploration. They are also popular for recreational users such as bushwalkers, mountain bike and horse riders.
The PDF version of this can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Stella Glen Little Mount Gaters Kilburn Fairview Springburn Rockmount Hermitage The Montrose Inglewood Forest Farm Sunny Side Iveridge Mc Raes Hills Kopanica Lochiel Stonyfield Bluegong Canara Farm Creekton Palmerston Saundridge Glenvale Woodside Flat Top Bracknell Doctors Point Adams Peak Alanvale Bay Allison Marshes Archers Sugarloaf Double Lagoon Drys Bluff Duck Point Duck Point Bay Duncansons Rivulet Dunning Rivulet East Rocky Lagoon Augusta Dam Augusta Levee Back Creek Bastion Creek Bates Creek Becketts Creek Bernacchi Bernes Paddocks Billopp Bluff Billopp Creek Billy Quinns Gap Blackwood Creek Bloomfield Creek Bluff Creek Bluff Marshes Bogan Gap Boggy Marsh Creek Boggy Marsh Sugarloaf Bowmans Creek Bradys Lookout Branching Marshes Brandum Brandum Bay Brandum Creek Breona Breona Tier Breton Rivulet Brownie Bay Brumbys Creek Buchanan Creek Bullock Holes Bridge Bullock Holes Creek Burles Creek Burneys Island Burnies Creek Canal Bay Carter Lakes Carter Levee Cathcart Bluff Central Plateau Chasm Falls Chittys Creek Cider Park Bay Cider Park Creek Clarks Point Island Clarks Timber Cleft Rock Cleft Rock Falls Coalmine Creek Cobblers Creek Cobblers Hill Cowpaddock Creek Cramps Cramps Bay Cramps Sugarloaf Cummings Head Dairy Creek Deep Lake Dells Bluff Denmans Creek Doctors Creek Dogger Bank Elephant Rock Elizabeth Bay Fairy Glade State Reserve First Lagoon Flexmore Creek Four Bays Francombes Creek Grassy Bay Great Lake Great Lake Conservation Area Garcias Creek Glovers Flat Grub Lake Gunns Lake Gunns Marsh Halfmoon Bay Halfmoon Creek Haulage Hill Havelock Falls Headlam Hill Helen Island Honor Falls Howells Bank Howells Creek Howells Neck Howells Neck Island Howes Lagoon Bay Huntsman Rivulet Huntsman Saddle Ibbotts Rivulet Jackeys Creek Jackeys Creek Private Nature Re ... Jackeys Marsh Johnstones Peak Jones Rivulet Conservation Area Jordans Creek Kermodes Rivulet Lake Chipman Lake Dudley Lake Kay Lake Run Creek Lawsons Corner Liawenee Liawenee Canal Liawenee Conservation Area Liawenee Moor Liffey Liffey Bluff Liffey Falls Liffey Falls State Reserve Liffey River Little Lake Little Lake Bay McDowall Hill McRaes Hills Meander Meander Dam Meander Picnic Ground Mickeys Creek Middle Brandum Mother Cummings Peak Mother Cummings Rivulet Mother Lords Plains Mount Blackwood Mountain Vale Hill Muddy Bay Murphys Creek Myrtle Creek Pages Creek Pats Saddle Pine Lake Pine Rocks Pine Tree Rivulet Poachers Creek Poatina Poatina Creek Poatina Golf Course Projection Bluff Quamby Bluff Quinns Creek Rainbow Point Rainbow Point Conservation Area Rats Castle Reynolds Island Reynolds Neck Ritters Crag River Ouse Sales Lake Sales Rivulet Salt Tin Creek Sandbanks Bay Sandbanks Creek Sandbanks Tier Second Bar Lake Second Lagoon Shepherds Hill Shower Cave Falls South Brandum Split Rock Split Rock Creek Staggs Creek Starvegut Hill Stinking Springs Stone Hut Stony Creek Stony Plain Tabletop Hill The Chump The Eyebrows Third Lagoon Thomsons Rivulet Tumble Tor Tumbledown Creek Upper Liffey Falls Wares Marshes Warners Creek Warners Falls Warners Sugarloaf Westons Rivulet Westons Weir Whisky Jims Hill Whitehorse Creek Whitehorse Hill Whitehorse Shore Wiiteena Creek Wild Dog Plains Wild Dog Tier Windmill Top Woodside Rivulet Worcester Bay Bagmans Ford Brandum Creek Bridge Carters Lagoon Doctors Creek Bridge Drys Bluff Forest Reserve Glovers Flats Halfmoon Creek Bridge Jackeys Creek Forest Reserve Jacks Creek Jones Creek Liaweenie Creek Bridge Liffey Forest Reserve Liffey Plantation Meander Forest Reserve Mickeys Creek Bridge Pine Tree Rivulet Bridge Quamby Bluff Forest Reserve Rocky Hill Stony Creek Bridge The Gates The Haulage Wheetmans Island Cluan Tier Jackeys Creek Private Nature Reserve Warner Creek Warner Sugarloaf Dry Bluff Garcia Creek Great Western Mountains Great Western Tiers Lake Thompson Pine Rivulet Western Tiers Pine Island Brady Lookout