Please note that all charts are nominally folded in half for storage and handling as per the marine industries standard.
If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.
This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water.A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Aatjatayi Albert Islands Anderdon Islands Augereau Island Baudin Island Berthier Island Biddles Rock Bigge Island Bishop Island Bonaparte Archipelago Bonaparte Island Boomerang Bay Branch Island Brunei Bay Buffon Island Cape Chateaurenaud Cape Pond Cape Voltaire Capstan Island Caswell Island Championet Island Cleghorn Island Clerk Island Colbert Island Combe Hill Island Combe Island Condillac Island Corvisart Island Cotthurst Rock Cotton Island D'Arcole Islands Davidson Point Desaix Islands Don Island Donkins Hill East Montalivet Island Eyre Rock Fly Shoal Fontanes Island Gaimard Island Gale Island Hale Island Hawick Island Hedley Island Heritage Reef Ingram Reef Iredale Island Jamieson Reef Jussieu Island Kartja Island Katers Island Keraudren Island Krait Bay Lamarck Island Lorinna Shoal Mably Island Maret Island Maret Islands Mcculloch Island Mitchell Plateau Monge Island Montague Sound Mount Anderdon Mudge Bay Murrangingi Island Museums Island Patricia Island Prince Shoal Prudhoe Island Prudhoe Islands Prudhoe Rocks Purrungku Island Queen Island Quoy Island Randall Island Rathbun Island Rattlesnake Shoal Ripple Rock Robroy Reefs Sand Cay Savage Hill Scott Strait Serene Island Sharp Peak Shelter Bay South Maret Island Suffren Island Swift Bay Tancred Island Terry Shoal Thais Island Tjaulingari Island Tjungkurakutangari Island Tooth Rocks Tournefort Island Trig Rock Trochus Island Turbin Island Walker Island Warn Island Wary Bay Water Island West Montalivet Island Whitley Island Wiiluntju Island Wiirra Island Winyalkan Island Wolf Rock Wollaston Island Woodward Island Wurauwulla Island Wuwirriya Island York Sound Condillac Islet Baudin Islet Randall Islet Voltaire Passage Voltaire Pass Albert Reef Montalivet Islands Montalivet Group East Montalivet Islands East Montalivet Islets Walker Islet West Montalivet Islet Warn Islet Hawick Islet Tancred Islet Water Islet Prince Terry Shoal Cleghorn Islet Maret Islets Prudhoe Islets Combe Islet Berthier Islands Championet Islet Combe Hill Coombe Hill Warrender Hill Capstan Islet Queen Islet Jussieu Islet Lamarck Islet Colbert Islet Fontanes Islet Desaix Island Desaix Islet DArcole Islands Buffon Islet Donkin Hill Malby Island Malby Islet Anderdon Islets Kenandren Islet Mobly Island Hardy Point Cape Torrens