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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Cowal Park Booroola Swaylands Tarnook Mountain Well Hollian Palmyra Garolgi Merrondale Curlew Park Thistledo Ercildoune Tatura Kurrajong Park Shonalanga Berngarrie Allwood North Groongal Murrilga Garrong Ilkadoon Avon Dale Wilga Vale Groongal North Fairfield Llangollen Currawong Pinevale Temuka Waverley Boree Downs Alitalia Farm Wilga Park Crystal Brook Bringagee North The Olives Dajarra Laura Kittoch Brendon Corynnia Kooliatto Mallenben Mirrabooka Moonambel Gordonvale Brohea Ainsley Mirrool Park Melrose Bando Wardry Warra Park Tambo Benerembah North Down Rancho Grande Wychie Eloura Warrawidgee Bimbimbi Carinya Giannini Kyeema Allawah Lesterlee Maxlands Bimbil Coonabimba Marylands Brooklyn Park Clearview Mary Dale Lynwood Amaroo Berriwa Red Hill Tresco Roballan Boree Plain Brigadoon Towri Cuba Tree Quindalup Warrawidgee Station Yackaboon Mervondale Benbah Vinsondale Kimarbry Cremona Alban Park Groongal Truro Benaan Yoma Park Baillie Ballingall Barren Box Outfall Channel Barren Box Swamp Bendigo Benerambah Benerembah No 2 Channel Benerembah Railway Station Benerembah Well Black Box Swamp Bringagee Bringagee Creek Bringagee Railway Station Bringagee Siding Cajaldura Carolgi Carrathool Cockburn Cumbungi Creek Cumbungi Lagoon Curlew Tank Curlew Well Deep Creek Denny Groongal Railway Station Gum Creek Gum Creek Lagoon Hervey Hyde Park Carolgi Railway Station Cumbungie Lagoon Cumbungy Creek Cumbungy Lagoon Currathool Gumbungy Creek Gumbungy Lagoon Kooba Main Drain Kooba Outfall Drain Kooroongal Village of Kooroongal Learmonth Learmonth Well Livingstone Mckennas Lagoon Maiden Mair Merool Mirrool Irrigation Area Mirrool No. 1 Irrigation Area Mount Ida Tank Munro North Bringagee Packidilli Lagoon Palmyra Tank Poligonum Swamp Polygonum Swamp Quambatook Singorambah Sturt Tabbita Tabbita Channel Tabbita No. 1 Channel Tabbita No. I Extension Channel Tabbita Railway Station Tabbita State Forest Tabbita Tank Village of Tabbita Terrapee Tharbogang Tharbogang Railway Station Toganmain Tocanmain Wah Creek Wah Wah Channel Wah Wah Creek Wah Wah Main Channel Wah Wah No 1 Channel Wah Wah No 2 Channel Wah Wah No 3 Channel Wah Wah No 18 Channel Wah Wah Tank Warburn Warburn Channel Warburn Railway Station Weedyabregan Lagoon Willow Dam Wiveon Wowong Wycheproof Wycheproof Well Djallah Djallah Flat Dry Box Swamp Dry Creek Dumossa Djallah Swamp Dead Ram Waterhole Barren Box Storage Merwicks Well Boorga Carolgi Station The Den Tank Mirrool Creek Tharbogang Station Learmouth Well Benerembah Station