This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Melrose Kywara Liston Iona Burundah Airlie The Peak The Downs Poinciana Rancho Tolga Lonewood Glenmore Monomeeth Yuruga The Glen Redwood Rosewood Snatchem Lochinvar Trevallyn Ardroy Ford End Rose Valley Cavanba Bondi Glen Owen The Ranch West End Wadgie Wyundra Alkira Lincoln Cooyong Darling Plain Orban Booralee Warialda Averys Waterhole Armstrongs Tanks Adams Adams Scrub Balfour Barden Boobah Captain Cook Park Chinamans Knob Clare Cranky Rock Darling Plain Creek Delingera Delingera Pinnacle Emu Creek Gineroi Glendee Creek Gragin Gragin Peak Hadleigh Hallams Spring Creek Harts Creek Johnsons Bore Kellys Gully Kellys Gully Dam Darling Plain Gully Deep Creek The Gap Georges Creek Hallams Spring Kellys Gully Tank Town of Koloona Koloona Koloona Public School Little Kelly Gully Lunatic Waterholes Mcgregors Creek Murdering Gully Head of Murdering Gully Nippen Jessup Waterhole Oakey Creek Oakey Creek Tank Oaky Creek Oaky Creek Tank Perpendicular Rock Pine Creek The Pinnacle Plain Gully Quart Pot Quart Pot Well Racecourse Creek Ram Station Creek Rifle Range Gully Mount Rodd Sandbridge Tank Sand Ridge Tank Sawyers Creek Sawyers Gully Scrub Creek Spring Creek Spring Creek Tank Spring Gully Stonefield Creek Stonehenge State Forest Tea Tree Creek The Gully Tigers Gap Ti Tree Creek Branch of Ti Tree Creek Turrawarra Warialda Cemetery Warialda High School Warialda Post Office Warialda Public School Warialda Rail Warialda Railway Station Warialda Road Warialda State Forest Warialda Station Village of Warialda Wirrega Wyndham Yellow George Creek Yellow George Waterholes Dog Trap Hill Double Crossing Dumboy Dog Trap Burgaria Public School Burgaria Sugarloaf Creek Hallams Creek Warialda Creek Booshang