Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 9541-4

GA 9541-4 - Canungra
Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Tabragalba Dagworth Nindooinbah Wilkie Alloha Kerry Brook Tarlington Orana Hocknell Norrodale Willowie Ladybrook Cedar Glen Canungra Biby Hill Mount Merino Mount Tenduragan Albert River Left Branch Albert River Right Branch Mount Alexander Araucaria Lookout Armitage Creek Back Creek Bahnamboola Falls Ballunjui Cascades Ballunjui Falls Barrabareen Creek Bat Cave Beechmont Beechmont Range Beereenbano Lookout Bell Bird Creek Bell Bird Lookout Bijungoroo Cave Bijungwing Cascades Bilingooroo Cave Bilingooroo Falls Billahra Creek Bimboolba Lookout Birnam Range Bishop Blackfellow Cave Blue Creek Bohgaban Falls Booboora Falls Boomahla Cliffs Botan Creek Bower Bird Creek Break Creek Bridal Veil Falls Bundoomba Creek Bunyip Falls Burns Creek Burraboomba Falls Burrajum Creek Burrajum Falls Burrawang Lookout Caboolya Falls Cainbable Creek Canungra Creek East Branch Canungra Creek West Branch Canungra Range Castle Crag Cave Creek Chakoonya Lookout Chalahn Falls Charraboomba Creek Charraboomba Rock Chigigunya Falls Chiminya Creek Chiminya Falls Chungaragool Cave Cooginbano Lookout Coomera Falls Coomera Gorge Joonbeelba Falls Dacelo Lookout Daniels Creek Darraboola Creek Darragumai Falls Darrayabroo Lookout Daves Creek Devils Elbow Dragoon Bird Creek Duck Creek Dwandarra Falls Eerigingboola Falls Kurraragin Elabana Falls Emerald Falls Fern Tree Gully Flying Fox Creek Fountain Falls Garragoolba Lookout Giants Garden Giants Stairway Gogindara Falls Goomagoroo Cave Goondaree Falls Goongoomoonee Cave Gooramala Creek Goorawa Falls Goorinya Cascades Gorman Gorooburra Lookout Guraigumai Rock Gwongarragong Falls Gwongondoolba Falls Gwongoorool Pool Gwongorbulli Falls Gwongorenda Falls Gwongurai Falls Hairpin Bend Hanging Garden Hillview Hobwee Creek Mount Hobwee Horseshoe Bluff Horseshoe Falls Hunters Lookout Illinbah Clearing Jinbroken Range Joalah Lookout Jooyamoolya Cave Junimbabah Lookout Kadjagong Falls Kagoonya Falls Kalgamahla Falls Karoolgarool Creek Karrilya Falls Karrinbano Falls Keelaburra Creek Kerry Kerry Creek Killarney Falls Kingakinga Creek Kong Gong Rock Konumboola Falls Koolanbilba Cave Koolanbilba Lookout Kooloonbano Lookout Koongalala Point Kurraragin Valley Kweebani Cave Laheys Creek Laheys Lookout Karreeba Falls Lukes Bluff Macrozamia Grove Mount Mahomet Mallawa Maybury Creek Merino Lookout Milleribah Lookout Millerigong Falls Mimigoginya Cave Mount Misery Molongolee Cave Moolgoolong Cascades Moonjooroora Creek Moonjooroora Lookout Moonlight Crag Morans Creek Morans Falls Nagarigoon Falls Nahnangboola Falls Neerigomindalala Falls Neubani Rocks Nixon Creek Nixons Crossing Noowongbill Lookout Noringalala Creek Noringalala Falls Noringalala Lookout Nugurun Falls Numinbah Numinbah Lookout Nyahjung Rock Nyamulli Lookout Nyoongai Lookout Orchid Bower Palm Falls Pat Bluf Pats Bluff Piccabeen Creek Picnic Creek Picnic Rock Pigeon Creek Pine Creek Poojabinya Falls Price Creek Purragulli Creek Pyramid Creek Pyramid Rock Raining Cliff Mount Razorback Rifle Bird Creek Roberts Mount Roberts Rocky Creek Sarabah Sarabah Range Ships Stern Spring Creek Stairway Falls Stockyard Creek Stockyard Creek Falls Surprise Rock Mount Tabragalba Tenduragan The Summit The West Canungra Falls Tonys Creek Toolona Cascades Toolona Creek Toolona Falls Toolona Gorge Toombinya Falls Triple Falls Tristania Creek Tullawallal Lookout Tullerigumai Falls Turtle Rock Ungurungbano Falls Upper Hairpin Bend Wajinya Falls Wangerriburra Lookout Wanungara Falls Wanungara Lookout Mount Wanungara Warples Hill Warumblebah Lookout Waterfall Creek Western Cliff White Caves Widgee Creek Wild Cattle Creek Wingboola Falls Witheren Mount Witheren Woggunba Valley Wojigumai Creek Wongaree Falls Wullo-Eerie Yabbraboola Falls Yaborogura Lookout Yalbaroo Yalnungala Falls Yanbacoochie Falls Yangahla Lookout Yargabullang Lookout Yargorui Cave Yarrabilgong Creek Yathgalingong Falls Yerralahla Pool Yilgahn Falls Rosins Lookout Conservation Park Sarabah National Park O'Reillys Plateau Cavell Creek Springbrook Forest Reserve Cainbable Canungra Conservation Park Binna Burra Darlington Ferny Glen Flying Fox Illinbah O'Reilly Lower Beechmont Natural Bridge Numinbah Valley Tabragalba Station Nindoimba Station Mount Wilkereen Darlington Range Tony Creek Upper Nerang Blue Creek Falls Egg Rock McConnell Falls Pyramid Rock Creek Pine Canyon Right Branch Albert River Left Branch Albert River Kennedy Lookout McPherson Range MacPherson Range