Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SF55-06

GA SF55-06 - Buchanan

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.
Publisher:Geoscience Australia (Australian Government)
Latitude Range:21° 0.0' S - 22° 0.0' S
Longitude Range:145° 30.0' E - 147° 0.0' E
Projection / Datum:Universal Transverse Mercator, GDA94
Approx Print Size:0.44m X 0.67m
Publication Date:1-Jun-04

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Plain Creek Nunkumbil Bundubaroo Mount Douglas Bulliwallah Nairana Mount Elsie Caerphilly Natal Downs Teamas Scartwater St Anns Mirtna Dawson Vale Mount Hope Old Hyde Park Wilandspey Disney Beenboona Old Twin Hills Cassiopeia Moray Downs Twin Hills Kyong Elgin Downs Albany Alfred Creek Amelia Creek Arranmore Back Creek Bannockburn Beaucazon Peak Beenboona Creek Bell Belyando Crossing Belyando River Bertie Creek Billillbania Lagoon Bingeringo Creek Bingeringo Water Facility Mount Bingeringo Black Wattle Creek Blackwater Creek Blackwater Lagoon Blowhard Creek Bonicordi Boomerang Boomerang Creek Boomerang Waterhole Boundary Creek Bowie Box Hide Flat Creek Breakaway Creek Brigalow Creek Brothers Creek Buchanan Lake Buchanan Budgerigar Creek Bulgrum Waterhole Bull Creek Bulliwallah Water Facility Bullock Creek Bully Creek Bundoba Lagoon Bungeringera Lagoon Bustup Creek Calmaberry Creek Camp Creek Campaspe River Capsize Creek Carlyle Carmichael Cattle Creek Cauckingburra Swamp Lake Cecilia Charley Creek Charlie Creek Clewitts Bluff Cockatoo Creek Coleman Gully Conquelicot Creek Lake Constant Corner Creek Cowieburra Creek Cronins Creek Crooked Creek Darkies Creek Darkies Range Death Adder Creek Deep Creek Derby Diamond Creek Diehard Creek Dingo Creek Dinner Creek Dooyne Dooyne Swamp Dryden Duckweed Lagoon Eight Mile Creek Elgin Elizabeth Creek Elsie Emu Creek Euchre Creek Fisher Creek Five Mile Waterhole Fox Creek Foxton Garden Creek Gordons Branch Creek Gormans Lagoon Gowrie Creek Grahame Creek Grahame Hill Gum Creek Gum Gully Gumhole Lagoon Harding Harry Creek Mount Helena Hopkins Creek Horse Creek Horse Swamp Water Facility Hyde Park Jackys Flat Creek Jumba Creek Kitchener Creek Mount Kroman Laguna Creek Lambing Creek Leila Little Garden Creek Little Mount Bingeringo Little Sandy Creek Llanarth Llanarth Back Range Llanarth Range Longton Longweed Lagoon Lower Scartwater Lagoon Lyons Creek McDonald Creek McGlashan Creek Middle Branch Creek Mingobar Mistake Creek Mogga Mogga Creek Moonbago Moonoomoo Moray Murdering Lagoon Narellan Natal Natal Creek Natal Water Facility Nine Mile Creek Norcot Peak North Creek Obungeena Creek Ogenbeena Creek Ogungeena Creek Old Yard Creek Oxenhope Packsaddle Creek Paddy Creek Pear Gully Perch Creek Piemelon Creek Pigeonhole Creek Quinton Hill Rocky Creek Rocky Mountain Rocky Waterhole Rodborough Hill Creek Ronlow Park Rosetta Creek Rotten Row Creek Salt Pan Creek Sandilands Creek Sandy Creek Sardine Creek Sawpit Waterhole Scartwater Creek Scartwater Hill Scott Six Mile Waterhole Snake Creek Splitter Creek St Annes St George Creek Station Range Stockyard Creek Stockyard Waterhole Sugarbag Creek Sylvia Creek Tank Hole Tea Tree Bore Ten Mile Lagoon Terrace Range The Dry Swamp The Tor Thirlestone Three Mile Creek Tomahawk Creek Tomcat Creek Tutah Mount Tutah Twelve Mile Creek Ulcanbah Upper Scartwater Lagoon Vacquera Creek View Hill Creek Vine Vine Creek Wanalango Washpool Lagoon Weaner Creek Whistling Duck Creek White Cliffs Willy Creek Winship Winship Creek Wonder Creek Yakka Creek Yandan Creek Yarrowdale Yarrowglen Yarrowmere Yellow Waterhole Younadgina Lagoon Blackwood National Park Wilandspey Conservation Park Belyando Nairana National Park Nairana National Park Recovery Broadly Creek Saint Annes Creek The Green Swamp Panitya Comical Creek Dam Three Mile Bore Haig Bore Rodborough Creek Puzzle Gully Dam Saint George Creek Brigalow Dam Lower Scartwater Station Creek Upper Scartwater Norcott Peak Boghole Dam Oxenhope Out Station Quintin Hill Weaner Creek Dam Coquelicot Creek Blackwater Pocket Dam McCallums Dam Hanging Rock Bore Lambing Creek Tank Saint Annes Saint Anns Six Mile Bore The Gums Bore Premelon Bore High Knob Hill Dam Adder Dam Murphys Dam Figtree Waterhole Chinaman Bore Blackwater Well Dervock Bore Hopkins Creek Bore Plain Creek Bore Mount Tutan Mount Tutuh Top New Bore P.R. Creek Arranmore Bore Thirlestone Bore Belyando Creek Bull Paddock Bore Cockatoo Dam Wynns Bore Bonlow Park Bowie Bore Rocky Ponds Dam Sandy Tank Tomahawk Bore Scorpion Dam Brigalow Tank Laguna Waterhole Brigalow Gully Dam Ana Branch Belyando River Middle Plain Dam Ulcanbah Bore North Oakvale Labona Middle Creek