Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SH55-13

GA SH55-13 - Barnato

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Wygilla Rocky Glen Rosedale Nangara Tankarooka Booroondarra Downs Wyoming Gidgee Buckanbe Burnamwood Pulpulla Wuttagoona Cairo Marra Nelyambo Budda Dunoak Innesowen Vidale Annalara Blue Hills Wyloona Mount Gap Tilpilly Tiltagoonah Mumboana Mount Grenfell Trevallyn Thackomble Manara Lynwood Tambua Cubba Musheroo Pinchinara Windara Mulga Downs Nullogoola Bundoon Belah Meadow Glen Bulla Park Lilyvale Ryandale Cultowa Barnato Coonavitra Stansfield Narraport Korreo Boulkra Broadmeadows Emmdale Yoe Lake Bulla Bulla Double Gates Alma Park The Meadows Wongalara Noona Currawatha Coomeratta Mulchara Park Kia-Ora Bellvale Tiltagara Pine Ridge Burragan Everdale Kaleno Bundycoola Moira Plains Beechworth Marma Fulham Bloomfield Mount Kew Army Pass Back Paddock Creek Barneys Lake Belarabon Belarabone Billilla Waterhole Blackfellows Waterhole Boiler Lake Bokara Hills Booroondarra Booroondara Mount Booroondara Mount Booroondarra Booroondarra Tank Bowery Lake Brigalow Hill Buckwaroon Creek Mount Buckwaroon Charlies Creek Choy Coonavittra Tank Coonbimby Lake Cultowa Billabong Flat Rock Creek Front Creek Gidgiegolambo Creek Greenough Greenough Hill Grenfell Creek Gulguy Waterholes Gum Waterhole Jacob Keilor Tank Kew Coonavitra Tank Deep Creek Five Mile Creek Gidgiegolamba Creek Gidgiegalumba Creek Greenoughs Hill Gulguy Holes Kenindee Creek Kinindee Creek Kitty The Lagoons Lakes Leopardwood Hill Leopardwood Ridge Lignum Creek Little Bondi Waterhole Macpherson Markaira Waterhole Martins or Whitehorse Creek Mickwilly Lake Momble Creek Mount Grenfell Historic Site Mulga Waterhole Mumble Creek Mumboana Creek Mumbowanna Creek Murtabunna Lake Murtabunna or Blackfellos Waterhole Naroolpilly North Gap Pangunya Creek Pangunyah Creek Power Line Pass Rays Creek Red Creek Rocky Waterhole Round Hills Seven Mile Creek Stony Creek Tacubah Lake Tambua Creek Theuramble Creek Thoongamma Waterhole Thourumbie Creek Tillpilly Lake Tilpilly Lake Tiltagoonah Lagoons Two Mile Creek Warracoocaree Lake Warracoocarie Lake Watta River White Log Waterhole Willies Creek Wiltagoona Creek Windarra Creek Wittagoona Wittagoona Creek Wongalara Lake Wongolarroo Lake Woolakulkra Mount Woolakulkra Dilemma Yoree Swamp Yoree Tank Duck Waterhole Duck Hole Donalds Plain Tank Sawpit Tank Mountain Tank Jacobs Well Bulla Bulla Tank Dmr Tank No3 DMR Tank No. 4 Korreo Tank Rocky Tank White Tank Bobs Tank Muster Tank Euchra Bore Mustering Paddock Tank Boundary Tank Little Boundary Tank Blue Duck Tank Shed Tank Sawmill Tank Crows Tank Woore Euchara Tiltargara Jericho Tank Strip Tank Barnato Tank Bakers Tank Betts Tank Dip Tank Mickeys Tank Youngens Tank Big Boulkra Tank Little Boulkra Tank Dry Paddock Tank Carolina Tank Pwp Middle Tank Division Tank Lake Tank Pine Tank Barnato Lake Tiltagara Lake Sandy Creek Tank Tiltagara Tank Woolie Tank Sammys Tank Corulby Tank Corelly Bore Emerald Blind Creek House Tank Dud Bore Coachmans Bore Stoney Tank Quondong Tank The Meadows Tank Old Harts Tank New Harts Tank Nevins Tank Knights Tank Cow Paddock Tank Jocks Tank Red Tank Twenty Mile Tank Road Tank Stud Tank Pub Tank Pub Paddock Tank Muster Paddock Tank Elsinore House Tank Cavanoughs Tank New Glens Tank Old Glens Tank Mortons Tank Turners Tank Big Barnato Tank Boes Tank Plain Tank Meadows Tank Glassons Tank Pinbush Tanks Hill Tanks Stable Tank Paddys Tank Montys Tank Lammunia Tank Plain Paddock Tank Claypan Tank Creek Tank New Tank Small Tank Coffeys Tank Horse Paddock Tank Noona Tank Mail Box Tank Ten Mile Tank Fishers Tank Hortles Tank Bunyans Tank Old Winduck Tank Three Mile Tanks One Mile Tank Back Tank Martins Tank Garden Tank Joes Bore Salt Tank Wilsons Tank Albinnia Tank Centre Tank Yarran Tank Macks Tank Highlands Tank Wilga Tank Cottage Bore Swasbrick Tank Eighteen Mile Tank Rays Tank Far Away Tank Frontage Tank Mount Doris Beaumont Hill Pulpulla Spring Wittaguna Bulcolcol Bouricalcalla Yallum Calkario Kitchen Albinia Barneto Benkanyah Bingunyah Bluff Congrou Cookamilerie Coolibah Cowl Cultogerie Finley Goreetabah Jumbah Kallerakay Lammunnia Meadows Mulchara Springfield Wampunnia Winta Wynduc Euola Hay Myali Towri Walker Albert Basin Bank Bilbo Booborowie Clarke Coombes Deniehy Donald Plain Donalroe Etty Gidgiegalumba Keilor Kendall Kirkingle Mary Millpillbury Mulga Munbunya Stanley Tankarook Thourumble Turner Wigilla Gidgie Mumbowanna Walshe Chance Coonavittra Donald Merry Poopelloe Warwick Weeyoola Yoree Bulla Bright Buckwaroon Bundaline Cookadini Emu Kenindee Maranoa Momble Pangunya Cuckaroo Rankin Darling Lawrence Lionels Tank Black Cat Tank Nulchara Lake Belar Tank Broadmeadows Bore Broadmeadows Tank Meares Tank Spare Horse Tank Guteridges Tank Sandy Creek Kerrigundi Mombie Creek Windara Creek Broadmeadows Lake Mount Belaraboon Meadows Creek Bulgoo Tank Springfield Tank Balah Beau Ian Mavis Paddington Remus Tulloh Winduck Mount Macpherson Eulo Bore Myall Booroondara Downs Wiltagoonah Calkearic Danalage Marekitty Russells Annalera Annelera Blackfellos Waterhole Murtabunna Wambranna Taltagoonah Acres Billabong Thackombie Linwood Wongallarra Lake Elsinore Yoe Moama Kiaora Bellevale Hollands Moira Mahys Crowl Creek